
Thanks to the great Rebecca Solnit for stating what countless millions have been thinking over the past ten days of mass insanity gripping the pundit class:
Yes. And it’s not memory loss. The pundits have been doing this ever since Reagan: rallying around Republicans, ignoring Republican outrages (how Reagan became “Teflon”), deflecting onto the smallest of issues about Democrats. Remember Dukakis tank fiasco? Obama suit color? #InstitutionalAdHominem
I remember all those things. I even remember going to the dentist the day after the Bush-Dukakis debate and listening to two old biddies tell each other why they couldn't vote for Dukakis because he allegedly had "shifty eyes". The ascent of Reagan made clear we live in a telecracy:
Humans are easily hacked. Evil will always exploit the technology of the time to further itself. Thomas Jefferson hired someone to publish scurrilous propaganda against John Adams in pamphlets. The Nazis exploited all available media. Social media is new fuel. We must adapt or perish.
Democracy dies in “E-Mails! 2.0”
Solnit is always a voice of reason, with erudition and humour.