
Perfect Times lead. Open with a reactionary exulting over an abstract principle that will hurt other people (and would have with a minor change of circumstance hurt her). Then cut to the real person suffering real harm as if they are equivalent.
Wait until the first woman is prosecuted for not using all the embryos
And frankly she should be. Live your truth, bitch.
Oh its worse than that. They often implant more than one at a time then cull the embryos that don’t make it. She very well had a few embryos aborted having her two kids
Yes. I know a couple who had both of their children via IVF. They aborted some of the “babies” in both instances. AND in the case of the second child, they gender selected because they only wanted a daughter. I honestly don’t know how they vote, but both of their families are very conservative/maga.
Prosecute the families for aiding them
Their families did literally aid them. IVF ain’t cheap. I know their families provided some of the money for the treatments and procedures.
They would literally be in real legal jeopardy with some of the insane laws that have passed lately