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I'm an enthusiastic dabbler in many hobbies and curious about everything. I love my husband, my dog, reading, photography, and napping.
Hi! Any one looking for another #kidslit author? Beth is new to BlueSky. Her drawings look pretty cool, so I bet her picture book will be, too.
I'd also like to mention that I have a drawing session tomorrow on Zoom. So if you want to join me and some very nice people, sign on up over at www.introvertdrawingclub.com and you'll get a free pass to tomorrow's session!
If anyone needs a cool tee shirt, sticker, or magnet, Wicked Clothes is offering an extra 34% off their sale prices.
Reposted byAvatar Rhonda
And the foreman came up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said to me "sir, you are so guilty, I have never seen someone so guilty in my life"
Whoever is writing Season 2024 is now just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.
At first glance, I thought this was one of those fancy Japanese commodes. Billionaires should definitely be lining up to go to the bottom of the ocean in this thing. The more, the merrier.
A real estate billionaire in Ohio is planning an underwater voyage to the site of the Titanic shipwreck, where a submersible imploded on its approach to the sea floor a year ago, killing all five passengers on board.
Billionaire Plans Dive to the Titanic in a Newly Designed Submersiblewww.nytimes.com Larry Connor, 74, who made his wealth in real estate, said he’s building a new acrylic-hulled submersible that will be certified and rigorously tested to show that deep sea exploration is safe.
We are celebrating 29 years married tonight! Time flies when you're having fun!
Reposted byAvatar Rhonda
PSST. If you were like, "Hey I really want that evil apple book by Chuck Wendig but all I have are these accursed one-hundred and ninety-nine pennies," you will find it on sale for *exactly that price* at all your favorite electronic bookmongers.
Most attractive television character of all time. Ready, go.
Most attractive television character of all time. Ready, go.
The woman sitting behind me in this very small restaurant is having a facetime chat with her daughter. Lord grant me the strength to not lean back and loudly add to their conversation. How do people behave like this in public spaces?
This. A million times this.
i'm a simple woman, i just believe that buying a pair of slippers from a website does not entitle them to send me 20 emails every day until the earth crashes into the sun
Every perimenopausal and menopausal woman in a 200-mile radius is in Clarksville tonight to see Leanne Morgan. Including me.
How can the Onion survive when “legitimate” media writes garbage headlines like this?
President Biden has spent his presidency touting the country’s economic growth. But the economy’s unfettered strength is becoming more of a political liability for the White House.
The economy, and inflation, are revving up at a terrible time for Bidenwww.washingtonpost.com Higher inflation could lead the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates — and mortgage rates — elevated until late in the year, eluding political gain for Biden.
That tiny tiny red dot is the sun a few seconds before the total eclipse.
Sitting at Dry Ground Brewing in Paducah, KY, waiting on the eclipse.
Reposted byAvatar Rhonda
Please hire me to paint the cover for your folk horror anthology. My rates are reasonable and my fellow colleagues can confirm that I am easy to deal with. Cheers!
Reposted byAvatar Rhonda
After more than a fortnight in our establishment, Mr Darcy has proven himself to be of excellent character. He is in want of a forever home. Please help us find a person of good character. #fostercat
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single cat in possession of a good purr, must be in want of a forever home. Mr. Darcy spent his first day at our abode finding the accommodations to be wanting. #fostercat
We had a series of discussions about this in the 1770s and then some follow up discussions in 1812 where we decided we don’t have to give the British monarchy a heads up about anything.
The Telegraph reporting that Kensington Palace weren't given advance warning of Stephen Colbert's Kate jokes does kind of raise the question as to whether they honestly expected to be, and if so, why
Post a puppy … Bogie, nearly 12 yrs ago
Advertise your account with just one image.
Advertise your account with just one image.
The CDC says it’s fine to run with scissors.
The CDC says look, a little mercury never hurt anyone
I’ve been trying to eat better, especially regarding carbs and sugar. And I have been better, but certainly not perfect. For instance, I’m still eating chips, but I’m no longer calling them a vegetable. Baby steps.
Quote post with the fictional character you are in your head.
Quote post with the fictional character you are in your head.
I solved Wordle in two so I'm going to be extra insufferable all day.
Please block trolls on first sight. This can stay a fun and accepting place. No algorithms pushing the Nazis and fascists into our feeds. Only by responding to them will they be seen by others. Block, block, block.
Bluesky is officially “open” now (no more invites). So just a reminder to not engage with trolls and bad actors, there is no algorithm here to promote or spread them, replying to them is what puts them on everybody’s timelines. So block and give no oxygen.
Why isn’t this woman far more famous than Cleopatra? I mean Queen Amanirenas actually won her war against the Romans.
This. Just block. Do not engage at all. Even with a screenshot. Give the trolls no attention. We CAN have nice things.
With all of us coming here to Bluesky, we are all essentially hitting a big reset button. Twitter promoted a lot of toxic unhealthy traits in the pursuit for clout thanks to its awful algorithm. Here, those toxic fucks don't have an algorithm to push their bullshit. This is a huge chance for us.
My entire life, I have always wanted to read ALL the books!
Woohoo! Sent in final art for my solo picture bk w/Simon & Schuster, I WANT TO READ *ALL* THE BOOKS. In celebration, I'm giving away original art! POLL: Do YOU want to read all the books? #CommunityPolls To enter the giveaway, share this post. Randomly picked winner announced Thu. Jan. 25th.