
Past-Times Living History
Past-Times Living History
Visitor experience professionals
A unique fusion of Theatre & History
Educational & Entertaining
Patrick M. Hausen
Patrick M. Hausen
Father, husband, network engineer, FreeBSD evangelist, Tolkien nerd, language lover, he/him, 💉💉💉💉💉🦠, 古武道は居合です 無双直伝英信流
John Yuda
John Yuda
Husband, dad, dog walker, cyclist, outdoors enthusiast, occasional reluctant driver, Alexandrian, federal employee, vinyl record collector, jazz fan, scruffy young man.
Minneapolis. He/Him. Car-free-as-a-personality. Sporadic poster, but I like to watch.
Hearing loss severe to profound, depending on the day.
pfp: 60th birthday 9/11/2021
banner: ad for old Minneapolis museum
Beatris Dinkova
Beatris Dinkova
MD, PhD, MLS in Healthcare Law ICU doc immigrant anti-disinformation. medical ethics health equity
All fire, no chill. Husband/Father. I philosoPHizeD about Ethics @ UVA, and ever true to Brown. I teach text and thought to HS students in NYC.
Matthew Noble-Olson
Matthew Noble-Olson
scholar of art/cinema/media
Ben Waterhouse
Ben Waterhouse
Historian @UNC-Chapel Hill. Works on culture and politics of business, especially in modern U.S.
New book out in January: One Day I'll Work for Myself: The Dream and Delusion that Conquered America
Abi's Dad
Abi's Dad
A veritable "who's that?" of the literary world / doorman for cats.
Taxonomist, KM Specialist, Former academic librarian. Tabletop games. Tolkien. Critical theory. Tennis. Horror. Living in OK. Host of Album Book Club:

@tomakeitfall on Twitter
Bitter Literature
Bitter Literature
What. Who. Where. When. Why. How. Not journalistically, just incredulously.
I sometimes write things in my own voice. As a treat. 👻📝 | uncultured cinephile | missing David Lynch’s weather reports
Judith Beyer
Judith Beyer
private account; see also:
Robert McDonald
Robert McDonald
Assistant professor of rhetoric, author of Works like a Charm: Incentive Rhetoric and the Economization of Everyday Life
Gaius (from Tribunate)
Gaius (from Tribunate)
Passionate about history
Wudang96 💜🌻
Wudang96 💜🌻
Coffee. Black. Thanks. Cats, birds, gardening, environment, not so much yelling, traditional martial arts, and fun. T2. Writer, developer, grandma, and baker of cakes. Producer at Old time radio drama for a new era. Listen in? Come with?
Spencer Cushing
Spencer Cushing
Father, writer, gamer, resin dice maker.
Generally creative dude.
Comics Editor: Star Wars, Stranger Things, Minecraft, Canto, Kill All Immortals, Joe Death, and more.
Tom Fowler
Tom Fowler

Wrote some Rick&Morty comics. Drew some Venoms, Mads, Books of Magic, and Refrigerators Full of Heads.
Work inquiries, original art, and commissions: tomfowlerart at gmail
Gregory Peter McIver
Gregory Peter McIver
Runs a cafe, writes about movies and loves wine. All opinions and thoughts owned by The Centron Corporation.
Kelrond, Best Purveyor of Gay Books Ever
Kelrond, Best Purveyor of Gay Books Ever
Indie bookseller. Mom. Wife. Gamer. Artist. Exhausted. Trying. She/they.
Vince Mancini
Vince Mancini
Write stuff, mostly movies and food. Podcasting - FilmDrunk, the Frotcast, Pod Yourself A Gun/The Wire. Love 2 have fun.
sean s. n. murphy
sean s. n. murphy
(he/him) • editorial @ black press media
[email protected] • pgp 0xE55335E0
vancouver, bc • q.moonblood on discord/steam
Elizabeth Biggs
Elizabeth Biggs
Medieval Exchequer Research Fellow on the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland project at TCD; research on medieval & early modern Westminster & medieval Ireland; formerly York and Durham; Dogs; She/her.
Ben Applegate🔜SDCC
Ben Applegate🔜SDCC
Director of publishing, editor, translator. Manga, democracy, civil rights, foster kittens, sci-fi, beer. He/him.
Andrew S. Fuller
Andrew S. Fuller
writer, editor . Constellations of Ruin, 3LBE magazine . friend of crows & spiders . he/they .
Carlie St. George
Carlie St. George
Writer. Shirley Jackson Award Finalist. NOC shift and sleep deprived. YOU FED US TO THE ROSES available from Robot Dinosaur Press. Probably reading fanfic. She/her. Pop culture nonsense at
Megan Joy
Megan Joy
Blah blah blah. Insert something witty here.

Cats are cool & so are you.

Mandatory vegan declaration

Elder Millennial

My brain is 50 shades of weird. 👽

Movies & TV are rad.


🐦&📸: @ItsMeganJoy
zoey (trying names era) 🍚🐝🌱
zoey (trying names era) 🍚🐝🌱
god created nature, and nature's laws are vicious

b c
b c
writer, weirdo
Rowan English
Rowan English
PhD archaeologist studying the ivory trade and trying change the way we think about objects. Centre for Urban Network Evolutions, Aarhus. All views my own.
Space, plants, plants in space, history, social sciences etc etc. #lifelonglearner super married to @meghancooper he/him/y’all
Denver’s most boring tattoo artist.
Mostly here to repost all your smart/funny things.
Matt Brueseke
Matt Brueseke
Cubs fan. 🌋 & magma, mineral resources, tectonics, wilderness, pawpaws, outdoor gear, 🏝⛰🏕, Rectal cancer survivor. Geology Professor. Views and opinions expressed are mine. #geoscience ⚒️
CD Covington
CD Covington
Writer, linguist, Germanist. Roller derby official in Berlin, Germany.
Mastodon: @[email protected]
Alison Foster
Alison Foster
Zooarchaeologist based in Worcestershire.
Flowering Quince
Flowering Quince
Bookish, treeish, peripatetic, frequently salt water adjacent.
Glen Dudek
Glen Dudek
Software developer, diversity-lover. The scientific method is the most important invention in history, then probably beer.
Richard Driver
Richard Driver
Historian, Professor, & Beatles scholar | THAT WAS ME (2023) - my book about Paul McCartney & the Beatles legacy | “Don’t Give up the Ship” - Capt. Ja. Lawrence, June 1, 1813 | Any activity = only my views.
Official account of Medica: the Society for the Study of Healing in the Middle Ages
Historic Southampton
Historic Southampton
I’m Russell and local history is my hobby.
Reporting History
Reporting History
Historical journalism, thoughtfully curated & brought to you from the archives.

Read all the articles at

Support the project:
Don Dechert
Don Dechert
Lawyer, veteran. Ex-baby historian, current litigator, lapsed social scientist, still playing TTRPGs. Unabashedly pro-cat because cats are awesome. Various thoughts, some well articulated in 🇺🇲/🇩🇪.

📍Chicago, IL, Vereinigte Staaten, Terra
Larry Hartzell Has Had Just About Enough
Larry Hartzell Has Had Just About Enough
Professor of American history, Brookdale Community College. Duke, Ohio St., Reds, Mets, Bengals, Arsenal, Leicester
Desiree Weber
Desiree Weber
Political theorist at the College of Wooster — books, bikes, hikes and kittens — observing whatever it is that we make of this here world
Jennifer M
Jennifer M
History student, Master's in progress, specializing in Chinese and Japanese emigration to California. Cat lover, embroiderer. Trekkie by marriage. Inordinately fond of travel.
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
-Orthopedic specialist
- Dog 🐶 lover
-Hobbies, fishing, hiking, and tinkering with old cars in his garage.
Prof. A. Russo
Prof. A. Russo
I read, I write, I teach, and I learn everything I can about NGOs and their Disaster Responses from a qualitative and critical perspective.
Amalia Rose
Amalia Rose
Amalia Rose is an investigative journalist known for her tenacious pursuit of the truth. She is currently investigating the Voynich Manuscript. #TheExFiles
Low Quality Facts
Low Quality Facts
Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.
I like poetry, science, easy vegan recipes, and the ridiculous. Poems in The Bear Review, The Boiler,, etc. Author of poetry collection, Wolf Hat Iron Shoes (Lily Poetry Review Books 2022)