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Minneapolis. He/Him. Car-free-as-a-personality. Sporadic poster, but I like to watch.
Hearing loss severe to profound, depending on the day.
pfp: 60th birthday 9/11/2021
banner: ad for old Minneapolis museum
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Weekend Metro Transit operator making me go back to Twitter to report. Blew right by me - at the curb, transit card sticking out of my hand at Portland. Bitch didn’t even come out of the left lane.
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Need to have some "left behind" tracts for the self appointed internet cool people who complain that all the cool people already left some social network
Exactly 46 steps up to the street at 46th Street station.
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All right, need record store recommendations from Memphis to Austin, with a route that roughly will pass through Arkansas and split the difference between Dallas and Houston.
I don’t know which came first but either Immigrant Song ripped off the Get Smart theme or vice versa
Whose idea for the app to order us around.
A pun is not the lowest form of humor. “Haha I thought you said ______!” Is the lowest form of humor.
Don’t know what Biden should do but I’ve never not followed the lead of Democratic titans like Mark Warner and that congressperson representing Lakeville.
ACAB except that private guard outside the E Hennepin Bank of America kiosk dead-ass in shower shoes.
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EGAOD currently limits new buildings on Grand to 3 stories or less. Other than 695 Grand (Dixies), which was a HUGE battle, nothing's been built on east Grand since EGAOD came into effect. streets.mn/2023/04/19/u...
Upzoning Is the Only Way to Save Grand Avenuestreets.mn It’s time to repeal the East Grand Avenue Overlay District, a failed zoning policy that is killing Grand Avenue — once a vibrant shopping and dining district.
A cursed bingo card containing the squares "Cybertruck sighting" and "Jews For Jesus picks you"
Public restrooms are a human right.
Hello world! It's my birthday and I'm fundraising for the port-a-potties at George Floyd Square! Because everyone needs a place to go 💛🤎 CA: $ iancoldwater V: @ Ian-Coldwater PP dot me /coldwater Please help support if you can and boost for reach! Thank you! 🤗
Reposted byAvatar pbmv
Hello world! It's my birthday and I'm fundraising for the port-a-potties at George Floyd Square! Because everyone needs a place to go 💛🤎 CA: $ iancoldwater V: @ Ian-Coldwater PP dot me /coldwater Please help support if you can and boost for reach! Thank you! 🤗
Graduation card for an 18-year old. Which is funnier, one $100 bill or two $50s?
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Remembering Lee Hazlewood, born on this date in 1929
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good thing the French didn't give in to doomerism
That you didn't feel an impact from your vote doesn't mean no one did.
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whatever one thinks of biden, congrats to the centrist dipshit geniuses who have made "will he/won't he drop out" the main storyline
I can only assume Watch think it's going to be rough month for me otherwise.
Kind of resenting David J Roth for making me face how that absolutely broken yet 360°-enabled human ruined it all.
Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
The life-changing magic of not being in an entirely imaginary hurry.
There is a low-key chaos unique to Sunday nights at a family restaurant.
Overnight oats: Embrace the Muck.
go 'way labelin
some of you are subscribed to so many labelers your bsky looks like this
Well it would, wouldn't it?