
Jasmine Crockett is one of our best and brightest young legislators in Washington DC. Here's what she has to say about Joe Biden staying in the race.
Rep. Crockett I agree is stellar!
Basically spelling out what is wrong with the system and how it ended up in this inevitable position.
..or we could just give up, let Trump rule our grandchildren. Anyone who didn't see this coming intentionally put the blindfold on themselves.
I love what Crockett brings as a young legislator - honesty, smarts, charisma & takes no shit. She knows we need to unify and not be splintered which is and has been a problem on the left. Why is TFG still a candidate? Why is Project 2025 on our doorstep? Why is SCOTUS corrupt/broken? Unity
Jasmine Crockett kicks ass. She should change her name to Jasmine C. Rocket bc that girl is on fire.🔥
Very true. My only regret is that I'm not in her district. My "representative" is one of those who voted against certifying President Biden's win.
Biden is, objectively, not the nominee, and also I'd argue maybe the lawmaker should be the one focusing on fighting the supreme court stuff and not rando voters unless she wants us to do some cool [redacted] stuff in which case yea she is based as hell actually I guess
Doesn't look good for the USA or the world!
Indeed these are perilous times. As you said, it's not just the United States on shaky ground but it jeopardizes our allies as well. That being said, I'll continue writing my newsletter every week and posting on social media to try to find another vote or two and help save our democratic republic.
Every vote counts! At least for now.... hopefully for centuries to come, if we care enough for our democracy now.
but she's wrong tho. the dems have ballot access in all 50 states no matter who is nominated. nobody is the nominee until the convention. the party has an entire election infrastructure in place regardless of who the nominee is. the money raised does not disappear. how does she not understand this?
1) The Heritage Foundation has said that they will file a lawsuit to block ballot access in swing states if someone else is nominated. 2) Because of FEC rules the campaign finds are tied to Joe Biden and/or Kamala Harris.
What would happen to Biden’s campaign cash if he drops out? That’s up to Kamala Some campaign finance experts say Harris could use the tens of millions of dollars in Biden’s campaign account if she became the Democratic nominee.
Funds. Autocorrect did it again.
These issues are both overstated. 1) Biden isn't the nominee until the convention. Even the Heritage Foundation nutjobs are only talking about filing lawsuits if Democrats try to replace him AFTER the convention. 2) The campaign funds can be transferred to the national party.
IMO, there's a huge difference between changing plans now and changing plans after Biden accepts the nomination. I think the points raised in that tweet are all totally valid if we're talking about after the convention, but less so right now.
Jasmine Crockett is not 'wrong'. Remenber what happened the last time someone tried to insult the intellect of Jasmine Crockett
I have a feeling Corrigan Nagy is stricken with the impetuousness of youth, not doing the research and all.
I have a feeling after reading his timeline, Corrigan Nagy has no clue of our American history nor current political leaders.. Appears his agenda is quite skewed ~
Good morning.🌞 Why are you up so early fighting with assholes?😉 Took a look at that guys timeline cause I'm also up way too early. Blocked.🚫Way too many 🍉over there. Happy 4th - I'm in Canada and it's just another Thursday,