
I can’t understand why any DEM politicians are calling for this. Ballots wouldn’t be able to be put in many states with another name. $ that Biden raised can’t be transferred For once we should emulate GOP and in lockstep get behind our candidate. Also STFU about replacing.
I think this is why people are voicing concern.
I think that collates with a rabid press dismembering of the President more than a halting debate performance.
The debate performance was far worse than “halting.” He was lost through most of the 90 minutes to the point of complete rambling at some points. I say that as a Biden voter who will vote for him if he’s the person on the ticket.
Voters have been saying for an entire year leading up to the debate that they had concerns about the President’s age. The debate confirmed the worst of those fears. Trump is old too, and crazy. A new, younger Dem on the ticket would completely flip the race for Dems.
It’s not too late until after the convention.
NOT TRUE . Many states have ballot deadlines. Ohio had to get changes specifically for Biden because the Dem convention date was passed their ballot deadline. You’d have to start raising $ for the candidate from scratch. You don’t know what ballot access means
I watched it the only way I could--in a bar, with the sound off.