
He’s a blowhard. This is not an election where any candidate can be assured of an overwhelming victory. Pure fantasy.
The way you get overwhelming is for the Dems to get REALLY serious about advertising what Trump is about.
"Overwhelming" would include the Congress too, so non-starter. 😌
Damn. He didn’t outright call for Biden to step down but he came very close. I don’t see any confidence there. If he’s lost Schiff, that’s the ballgame
It may not be the ballgame but no doubt, like it or not, this is a big blow.
I'll be happy with a win and no coup attempt.
I can’t understand why any DEM politicians are calling for this. Ballots wouldn’t be able to be put in many states with another name. $ that Biden raised can’t be transferred For once we should emulate GOP and in lockstep get behind our candidate. Also STFU about replacing.
I think this is why people are voicing concern.
I think that collates with a rabid press dismembering of the President more than a halting debate performance.
The debate performance was far worse than “halting.” He was lost through most of the 90 minutes to the point of complete rambling at some points. I say that as a Biden voter who will vote for him if he’s the person on the ticket.
Voters have been saying for an entire year leading up to the debate that they had concerns about the President’s age. The debate confirmed the worst of those fears. Trump is old too, and crazy. A new, younger Dem on the ticket would completely flip the race for Dems.
I watched it the only way I could--in a bar, with the sound off.
Ballot deadlines aren't for a few weeks. Biden's money can go to Harris easily.
Only to Harris and the chaos would hurt us. Stop buying into Corporate owned MSM and put energy into defeating TFG or at least bring some attention to project 2025 - I’m not interested in “what ifs “ BS punditry. He says he is running and I’m supporting. Take the fantasy team elsewhere
I bought into my own assessment, thanks.
Sadly, I don’t think Schiff went on Meet the Press to support the Democratic Party as a whole, he went solely because of his campaign to be senator.
Well yes--but what if he just wins? Even barely? I'd take that.
Except he did. In the primaries that were held already...
WTF, so someone else can lose overwhelmingly?
wtf does win overwhelmingly in this context mean?? Win the election? So he’s on the “keep running” wagon for Biden? What does this even mean?
I'm in the middle of the ocean and don't have good enough internet for video. "Win overwhelmingly or pass the torch" - what exactly does that mean? If he loses, one presumes he's done regardless. Is Schiff suggesting Biden should resign if he wins by a small margin?