
watching people suddenly talk about wanting to leave the country makes me nostalgic for literally any conversation i've ever had with any person of color ever
I said this on Twitter but: my husband is Jewish and I am black. Where are we gonna go exactly.
Same. But also, why should we have to give up our country for them? It’s our country too, and it always will be, no matter how much they don’t like us.
My family has put a lot of work into this dumbass country and I’m not gonna just give up
I'm an immigration lawyer, and I see how much people from all over the world still see the U.S. as the better option. They might know something!
The US may be falling behind in civil rights and other matters, but it is still far ahead of a lot of countries. There are also still countless heavy labor jobs available. It's no wonder people want to have a better life here.
i think wanting to have a better life here has a lot to do with refusing to give up and let horrible people win, but tbh some of us got dragged here against our own will and would very much like to leave, for very clear reasons. the US is not the bastion of civil rights that it pretends to be.