
"The Repossession of Kevin’s Perfect Hair" by In our first story, a trans woman janitor murders her boss, but this is a cyberpunk dystopia, so the question of what happens to the body–and all its very expensive implants–is really fucking disgusting and also awesome.
The pre-order kickstarter for EMBODIED EXEGESIS: Transfeminine Cyberpunk Futures is now ALIVE!! Get some weird transhuman transfem cyberpunk!!! Seventeen stories, two poems, and the most beautiful cyborg cover in cyberspace!
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
"Bespoke" by What if the Met Gala was for showing off weird and creative bodies, instead of costumes? Mortal, best body-maker in the world, hates the rich assholes that commission them, until they meet a new client whose body desires are a little too otherworldly.
"Right to Remain" by Riley Tao What if your mom was a streamer? What if your mom wouldn’t stop streaming to attend your dad’s funeral? What if her followers sucked, and hated you? The most unsettling story I’ve read about internet hate mobs and corporate-owned deadnames.
"Labelscar" by, Embodied Exegesis A trans mom has her debt injected beneath her skin by a chaser. A haunting literary exploration of debt, trans motherhood, and awful warehouse jobs. This is one of those stories that will stick in your head and make you cry days after reading.
Next up we have a poem by, “The Woman of Water Dreams”, originally published in Why Dust Shall Never Settle Upon This Soul (2015) by Biyuti Press. I love the way this poem mixes linear algebra, queer death, food, and the indefinable meaning of trans lives.
SYNDICAL ORGANIZATION IN REVOLUTIONARY TRANSITION by A story of trans motherhood, support groups, nanites that think you're god, and extremely unwise injections. (read it in Embodied Exegesis, pre-orders open now!)
“The Majestic Art of Flesh” by This one’s for the QUEEN OF TEETH fans! Ever wonder what it might be like to inject magenta river-scum into your skin? To fashion a magenta tattoo? As expected, shit gets weird real fast.
“Each of Us is All of Us” by A story that inhabits the strange awareness of how things are simultaneously fantastic and terrible for trans people right now. If you're scared for the future, this is the story that acknowledges your fear and gives you a hug.
"The Wrong Body" by Your trans commune is also a hive mind! Sounds great, except what happens when one of your members has terrible trauma? What happens when they start acting out? And you can feel EVERYTHING they feel?