Anya Johanna DeNiro

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Anya Johanna DeNiro

trans woman, mom to twins, Minnesotan, writer. OKPsyche out now from Small Beer Press.
I’m … just going to lay under the water now
Barely functional today and wondering if I am a human being
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
It’s so toxic here I’ve been actually looking at Threads, how fucked is that ! Or back to mastadon!! What ???
I must belabor an obvious point: there is no demand that authors say the "right" thing. there is a demand that high profile SFF community members, including authors and editors, say LITERALLY ANYTHING. because there has been overwhelming silence.
every so often i marvel at the fact so many people were absolutely convinced sharing invite codes was aiding and abetting nazis. and when invites went away and the site wasn't flooded with nazis there wasn't an iota of introspection - instead it was "we did it!"
Hi Folks! Light from Uncommon Stars will be a Kindle Goldbox Deal July 16 as part of the "Booktok" Goldbox! $2.99 for the day across all retailer sites. AND The audiobook is part of Audible's Prime Day Sale July 15-21 to all Audible Premium Plus Members. THANK YOU!
Anyway, Gaiman has resorted to the "crazy bitch" defence (I paraphrase, but) and retained the services of the reputation management company which has previously worked with Marilyn Manson and Ezra Miller.
I'm not saying it's good that the SFF community normally jumps on an opportunity to eat their own, but the silence in this case is deafening.
It's been ten days since the accusations against Neil Gaiman became public, and so far File770 has said nothing. Nor have many individuals, unless we count Ursula Vernon doubting the accusers even exist.
Neil Gaiman uses blurbs and favors to inoculate himself, much like Scientology uses Writers of the Future to inoculate criticism of Scientology from neophytes. It’s almost like it’s from the same playbook! Weird
100 percent the same. People and the structures that people build are really telling on themselves.
I’ve never really felt a part of SFF for a variety of reasons, but the silence on Neil Gaiman is a good illustration of why. A community that blows a gasket if anyone messes with their precious award ceremonies, but when it comes to shit that really matters? Crickets.
I’m just Yuna on here, sometimes in X and sometimes in X-2, is that too much for a girl to ask
We sometimes talk about people posting like Sephiroth on here but some people use the entire Bluesky experience like Sephiroth, bunch of people holding 20 ft swords and what not as the rest of us are just trying to play around in the Gold Saucer
Having a working knowledge of pro wrestling and college football message board culture has made understanding the last decade-plus of American politics much easier.
The concept of "kayfabe" from pro wrestling is weirdly useful for understanding elite DC political stuff. The Alito Flag story is causing so much consternation for DC elites not because it shows that pro wrestling is fake (they all know it's fake) but because Alito acknowledged it was fake.
This is written like an exaggeration to make a point but it is actually just a clearly worded statement of the mainstream GOP position
let’s all turn down the rhetoric and try to remain cool and clearheaded as we discuss the best way to build concentration camps for the 20 million people we have sworn to deport because they’re poisoning our national bloodstream.
So exactly how un/famous does a white cis man have to be in the SFF community for the community to loudly condemn credible accusations of abuse? One novel, two? A movie based on a property? I’d really like to know.
There are only NINETEEN HOURS left to back this anthology of weird transhumanist cyberpunk stories by transfemm authors! See the thread below for all the weird and wonderful stories and poems included!
"The Repossession of Kevin’s Perfect Hair" by In our first story, a trans woman janitor murders her boss, but this is a cyberpunk dystopia, so the question of what happens to the body–and all its very expensive implants–is really fucking disgusting and also awesome.
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
The media stenography for fascist propaganda is super cool
AXIOS looks to be now operating as an in house communications operations for the RNC
I remember a few years ago when the North Carolina GOP headquarters burned down from arson and the Democrats helped fundraise to rebuild it. Anyway, after it was rebuilt the state GOP continued to demonize the Democrats, call them evil, etc. etc. Just something I'm thinking about today.
Explainer: There's exactly one standard in America. If Dems call out Trump for his fascism, it's incitement. If Republicans demand violence, it's free speech.
There is one serious party & one unserious party. They will agree that violent attacks on the unserious party are wrong. They will not agree on violent attacks on the serious party. This partisan differential is fundamental to the potential breakdown of American democracy.
It does remain startling to me how the response to the attempt on Pelosi’s husband (which was directed at her) was largely met with a shrug. Also, remember the attempt to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer? Which Biden *pointedly* brought up last night in Detroit?
“horrific social gore that results when individuals fight personal battles with unnecessarily political weaponry on a queer battlefield mined with hypersensitive explosives“ -Torrey Peters, Detransition, Baby
Funny how the Bluesky ethos is you can block whomever you want for any reason until a prominent Black user does so.
i think some people who are used to feeling powerless and utterly robbed of power, are taking this tiny little site as an opportunity to use power against the wrong people. no one speaks for all trans people on this issue! i'm sorry but this was wrong.
There is no ‘trans community’
Find the people with the power (not just a platform, I know, confusing). Yell at them.