
As the author of something that once made people lose their minds, I am telling you that I was talking about exactly this. I was correct then and I am correct now and I am terribly sorry about that
If you were not an activist, which is the case of 99% of the people, then life is boring & tolerable (w/ some corruption, even enjoyable) But if you were an activist (or comes from an activist family), I don’t even know how to begin to describe the fear & paranoia that you constantly live in.
It’s true even for non activists. It’s *mostly* boring. And then there is the uncertainty of where the line is, and what people believe. One tolerates it because one must
It’s the fear of the arbitrary that is absolutely nerve-wracking. My experience is a bit different bc I (the whole family actually) was at the worst end of it. As e.g: as a kid I knew every car in my neighborhood & automatically detected those that didn’t belong. I still have that reflex