
right now, the extent of what democrats can do is hounding and shame, which they should do! biden should condemn the insurrectionist members of the court, durbin and whitehouse should hold hearings and demand that alito and thomas both answer questions before congress. make it a spectacle, basically
alito is playing in our faces because he knows there’s nothing we can do about it and he has total contempt for the idea that he might be accountable for anything he does
they need to be on any outlet that’ll have them talking non-stop about this
Judging by the typical make up of Sunday show panels as elected Republican, right wing journalist, mainstream journalist, host, I think part of the problem is the “that’ll have them” part.
Dems can easily be on those shows if they want to be
AOC (for example) used to be on those shows all the time so you think she’s turning them down now? She’s not fun enough for the pundit class anymore.
The mainstream media thinks if they have a democrat and a mainstream journalist and a right wing journalist that’s a skewed panel, but the same makeup with an elected republican isn’t.
I’m too exhausted to look for you but media matters (for one) has done plenty of research on the political makeup of mainstream news panels, it can’t all be because democrats are idiotic lazy wimps.
Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try I just have very little faith in the dc punditry industry.