
right now, the extent of what democrats can do is hounding and shame, which they should do! biden should condemn the insurrectionist members of the court, durbin and whitehouse should hold hearings and demand that alito and thomas both answer questions before congress. make it a spectacle, basically
alito is playing in our faces because he knows there’s nothing we can do about it and he has total contempt for the idea that he might be accountable for anything he does
One of the opportunities here is that Samuel Alito is *extremely* prickly and unable to shut up. The more spectacle you make, the more he'll make himself into the spectacle.
He's a sobbing little whiner who wants to build his empire on his own tears. He absolutely would start the waterworks if pressed a little, thinking it would get him sympathy. It would not.
He probably also loves beer.
OK, perusing the Dems on Judiciary, I think only Booker or Klobuchar would be up for trolling him, e.g., going on Sunday shows and calling him "Judge Sam Alito" and when the anchor says, "He's a Justice", then reply "There is no justice w Sam Alito" Just petty stuff would annoy the hell out of him.
If nothing else, monopolizing the TV screens with OUR issues keeps the other guys from doing it with theirs.
"It's hard for the other guy to say dirty things about you if your fist is in his mouth." James Carville, more or less, in "The War Room"
Then why did he marry one
maybe he’s into SMBD?
Designate/coach some good people --outside of the administration, outside Congress. That DeNiro attempt = total fail.
If you want people to think something is important, you have to tell them it’s important *and* act like it’s very important to you.
alito is thin-skinned and angry. dems provoking him into dumber and dumber public statements would be easy.
His wife seems prone to violent outbursts as well.
they need to be on any outlet that’ll have them talking non-stop about this
Judging by the typical make up of Sunday show panels as elected Republican, right wing journalist, mainstream journalist, host, I think part of the problem is the “that’ll have them” part.
Dems can easily be on those shows if they want to be
AOC (for example) used to be on those shows all the time so you think she’s turning them down now? She’s not fun enough for the pundit class anymore.
The mainstream media thinks if they have a democrat and a mainstream journalist and a right wing journalist that’s a skewed panel, but the same makeup with an elected republican isn’t.
I’m too exhausted to look for you but media matters (for one) has done plenty of research on the political makeup of mainstream news panels, it can’t all be because democrats are idiotic lazy wimps.
Dems still have this "high road" mentality when dealing with the GOP, and that keeps getting them bowled over. Because you can't play nice with and try to win moral victories with fascists. They have no sense of shame, they do not care about hypocrisy, they care about power.
It doesn't help that to them in DC, this is just kayfabe. It's not real. It's just theatrics. Only a few in the party recognize the severity of things and recognize that acting above it all won't work this time.
But even if it’s just theatrics the Democrats have choices about what roles they want to play in the drama
Unfortunately the role most of them have chosen has been offbrand Aaron Sorkin characters, and that's why we're all doomed. Seriously, the world would have been so much better off without The West Wing.
Biden should literally say "I welcome their hatred" in his best FDR voice
People will be like, “The only way to defeat Trump/authoritarianism/fascism is politics.” And like, that’s true, which is why Democrats need to do exactly what you’re describing! That’s politics
They subpoenaed Leonard Leo who said "Oh, no thank you" and I would love to see them try and solve that particular problem
Basically they should act like Republicans would if Sotomayor was flying a BLM flag and Kagen accepted an EV from Soros.
Thanks for sharing this article!
at this point it's hard to see the point of legitimizing this court--there's no reward at all. It needs to become common knowledge (among the not-terminally-online) that the court is full of political hacks. They really need media help though
That's about the only way to hold SCOTUS accountable. So much of what they do is shrouded in mystique and secrecy. Ripping their robes off and making them answer for the insane shit they decide and write is the only way to curb the behavior. They need to be shamed and mocked in a public forum
💯 make a loud and clear case this election also about Alito and Thomas being insurrectionists who are taking away our rights.
Wild the degree to which they don’t understand this. So many Americans don’t even know this stuff is happening. Trump has been showing them how to be loud all the time, consuming all the oxygen so people are constantly talking and thinking about him for almost 10 years and they still haven’t learned
The idea that “you have to behave like Trump in order to succeed in today’s political landscape” is kind of sickening in general, but especially so to liberal professional types who are so, so, profoundly unlike Trump. They know they couldn’t pull it off even if they wanted to (which they don’t).
If anything Biden came as close as anyone to figuring it out at their 2020 debate. Simply saying “Will ya shut up for once, man?” but otherwise sticking to convention is probably the best course of action. You don’t want to get too deep into into the mud with him; he lives there and you don’t.
I mean, you don’t have to be like him, beyond being willing to yell your message loudly, consistently, confidently across all platforms. That message can (and should) be hopeful and coherent. But you have to deliver it strongly enough to compete
This is one thing I'd wish they'd take a page out of the republican's play book. Like do the Hunter Biden bullshit but with actual substance behind it. You might be surprised and get rewarded with the power to fix it
Just what I need, a giant picture of alito’s dick…
sitting there every day watching their "colleagues" go through the cabinet name by name doing bogus impeachments for like 'heresy against patriotism', and just tut-tutting while they wait for the imaginary cooperative decorum of yesteryear to re-assert itself
I would like to see the based Biden that said "There are at least three genders, don't play games with me" go to town on Alito and Thomas. That'd be neat. I'd like that a lot.
Shelden from RI would figjt in judiciary if Durbin would step aside
He at least appears to be trying
hold leo in contempt and threaten him with prison. these people are making lives of others materially worse, at least use state power to annoy them as much as possible
oh, but civility! civility!
A party of politicians who don’t like to do politics, who are addicted to fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.
Civility...and legitimacy! Don't forget legitimacy!
Gene Kelly: Dignity, always dignity!
Durbin being the man for the job here has me "skeptical"
He should designate someone to be the aggressive shouting indignant people Playing the dignified elder statesman only really works if the contrast with angry firebrands is there
He would have to really care or be worried first and I honestly suspect that he doesn't/isn't