
alito is playing in our faces because he knows there’s nothing we can do about it and he has total contempt for the idea that he might be accountable for anything he does
Love the Democrats ruling out ever doing anything about it. Heck of an opposition party
Honestly asking: what are their options? They can impeach justices, right?
Impeachment requires the house bud.
Also a 2/3ds majority in the senate which we don't have unless you honestly believe republicans are going to sign onto it.
Ah so the same process as for a president :(
Basically. The Constitution was written to make sure the three branches could check each other but not run roughshod over each other. They somehow didn't anticipate a system where an entire faction has enough power to just jam all the wheels and proceed to laugh about it.
And this should be a campaign issue for all local House seats. “We’ll get rid of corrupt Judges, especially insurrectionists” Sounds catchy to me.
Impeachment starts in the House, so that's right out, at the moment. However, the Senate Judiciary could hold hearings. Use them as a means to move public opinion and raise the salience of this issue.
They've ruled out expanding the court, which is the only realistic way to reduce the conservative power, so the worst they can do are public scoldings.
i need people to understand that expanding the court is such a heavy political lift that it basically has not been done since the civil war when there was literally no opposition to it in congress.
It is a heavy lift, incredibly heavy. But work has to be put in first. Speeches about how the court has not always been 9 and how there were 9 circuits when 9 was settled on and we now have 13. An argument has to be advanced. Without that prep work though, no chance in hell.
we’re in a heavy political situation!
right. it’s the only fix and the only way it will happen is if the issue is so top of mind for the electorate that the idea is filibuster-proof so if we want to pack the courts later, what we should ask for NOW is for dems to kick up a big stink
People will yell at Democrats for not doing things with the slimmest majorities then commit to never voting in order to change those majorities because "it doesn't matter" They never want power, they just want to endlessly critique it
When you say a heavy lift, are you referring to other politicians or voters? I think you’re correct with the former, but not the latter. If Democrats expanded the court next February, I doubt it would be an issue in the next election for anyone other than extreme partisans.
But unicorns! Thanks. I get so freaking tired of “just expand the court,” as if it’s about as difficult as getting a perm or opting for a double-breasted blazer.
People seem to think FDR won that battle
What I'd like people to understand is that expanding the court is solving the wrong problem. Packing the court with Democrats only removes Republican influence over the Court until the Republicans can re-pack the Court for themselves. The deeper problem is political partisanship on the bench.
Yes, but isn’t it still easier than [checks notes] voting?
1) love your work 2) still more realistic than impeachment
I could have sworn FDR did it to pass the New Deal
where’d all the opposition go?
Which is why they won't actually do public hearings. If this issue becomes salient, it begs the question: what would Ds do (when they had the power to do it). And the answer is: nothing. So they make mouth noises about an ethics code for SCOTUS and then get back to their fundraising calls.
Step 1: Democrats need 60 seats in the Senate, a majority in the House, and the Presidency. We can discuss step 2 after step 1 is completed.
Ds need 51 non-Manchin, non-Sinema seats in the Senate and a willingness to abolish the filibuster. (Of course, that's ignoring the other probably at-least-half-dozen Senate Ds that are waiting in the wings to assume Manchin's and Sinema's mantle) And the other stuff, too.
They can hold public hearings. They could subpoena the justices. They could be out on the capital steps holding press conferences to educate non political junkies. But we get crickets.
Several SC watchers have suggested that Alito and Thomas are likely to ignore subpoenas; and any attempt to hold them in contempt of court would quickly become a judicial crisis, so…
So....that's on the SC. We can no longer allow this blatant corruption in our highest court to stand. If it becomes a judicial crisis, then so be it.
There are, in fact, in the political realm, a whole host of actions they could do around and with this obvious corruption, but the learned helplessness of "we can't get a conviction so why bother even commenting on it" is going to be the death of Democracy in this country.
I think they should kick his ass and see what happens.
They can cut budgets and strip jurisdiction to hear certain cases and controversies on a simple majority vote.
Expand the court. There’s absolutely nothing in the constitution that sets a number of justices. Expand it, and if they don’t cooperate, arrest them
Ah I miss the empty pleasures of Do Something Twitter…
Yes, clearly this is all Democrats fault.
Lol what an ignorant partisan take
And it's looking like he's right, and nobody with actual power is going to do anything about it
That’s the thing: he’s unfortunately correct.
This is an issue of self-respect now! Are Whitehouse and Durbin going to let it lie or stand up for themselves (and, incidentally, for democracy)?
Sheldon and Dick, doormats at law.