
when people say "Elon's ownership doesn't affect me, I just use the chronological feed" they elide the other side of this which is that which of your posts the site shows are chosen by the nazis now.
Why are Dems still posting at the Nazi site?? Pressley with 1M followers is getting buried by the algorithm & only 22k views. Just quit!
I don't think it's a coincidence that a bunch of the left wing people I know who still seem to be happy with posting on Twitter are posters who spend most of their day posting anti-Biden-from-the-left stuff that the site's owner would like to promote as well.
I post anti-Biden-from-the-point-of-view-of-being-against-genocide on this site, and I see tons of other leftists of my stripe. Are there left wing people who are actually for Biden? I mean, they might vote for him in the end, but they aren't for him, just against Trump.