

Reposted by Roleurball
Data released by Copernicus Climate shows: 📈 June 2024 was the warmest June on record 📈 The global average temperature for the last 12 months is the highest on record, 1.64ºC above pre-industrial 🌡️ 15th months that SST has been the warmest on record More: 🧪⚒️
Reposted by Roleurball
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
Reposted by Roleurball
Homeless people can be arrested for sleeping, Presidents cannot be arrested for rampant graft and corruption done while in office. There is no clearer a summary of "conservative 'law and order'" than this.
Reposted by Roleurball
Jesus Christ. Caligula would be shocked by how brazen this court has gotten.
Roberts rules for Trump. Absolute immunity for “official acts.” Vacated and remanded. Party line case. Both Sotomayor and Jackson dissent. Fuck this. your opinion on this Gorsuch quote: "what constitutes “involuntarily” homelessness... cannot be found in the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause. Nor do federal judges enjoy any special competence to provide them." and then guts Chevron on the same day
Reposted by Roleurball
Stephen A. Smith: Now you KNOW I’m a free speech absolutist Skip Bayless: without a doubt SAS: There can be no higher principle than everyone’s right to express themselves, even when it discomforts or offends. Nothing more important SB: you’ve always been very clear on that point SAS: HOWEVER
Reposted by Roleurball
trump starting off the week by saying he’d leave it to the states and arizona’s supreme court immediately answering him by outlawing abortion does paint an extremely tidy and uncomplicated picture of how, exactly, this will go, for anyone who is interesting in looking.
Reposted by Roleurball
He's right. "Originalism" is about stringing together a collection of words to support a predetermined outcome. There's no need for fidelity to facts, reliable description of source material, nor even logical consistency. It's one of the few tasks large language models could do.
New: Trump-appointed Judge John Bush of the 6th Circuit today in a speech to a Federalist Society chapter laid out a vision for how future AI technology could make it even easier for originalist judges to support rulings based on "history and tradition."
Conservative US judge says AI could strengthen 'originalist' A conservative federal appeals court judge on Monday said future developments in artificial intelligence could revolutionize how judges like himself tie their rulings to the past by interpreting the U.S. Constitution based on the nation's history and tradition.
End of feed.