
We're visiting family out of state this week, and every single day there has been a 50+-year-old white man whose selfish, entitled, childish behavior has boggled my mind. The guy who snatched the TV remote in a hotel sitting area where kids were watching a kids' show to switch it to a ball game.
The guy who cut the line for the restroom, ahead of multiple very elderly women and small children at a restaurant. Darted for the door the moment it opened without so much as an "excuse me". The guy who yelled at my kids and me for walking down a narrow sidewalk too slowly for his comfort.
Grown ass men who are impatient, angry, and clearly feel they have more right to public spaces than anyone else. Behaving in ways that even have made the actual children in our family wonder what is wrong with them that they behave that way.
I was just talking with my best friend about men behaving badly...what is wrong with these dudes? It is really terrifying.
It's been something every single day this week. And it's all white men of a certain age, with a certain...vibe. 😒