
Good night, sweet friends! Tomorrow is the last day to submit auction items! Please get those final donations in, and any pictures you have! On Sunday, we will email everyone with links to your auctions (even the Buy it Nows that are hidden) so you'll be ready on Monday!
Romancing the An auction to raise money for Fair Fight and VoteRiders to help make sure everyone in the country has reasonable access to vote in the 2024 election. The auction will run from July 1st to July 5th. W...
and as a treat, here is just a tiny hint of our ~600 row 30+ column spreadsheet that is driving this whole thing and will soon be producing wonderful emails for everyone in combination with our favorite friends over at GMass!
(I want you all for one moment to imagine me, in 2020, with my makeshift google form filling up with hundreds of auctions, realizing that gmail has a sending limit on new email accounts and even the normal limit is 500/day & we needed to send *cough* PROBABLY TEN THOUSAND over a week.)
Our beloved new Master of Spreadsheets sent us a helpful email trying to give us advice on how to fix our Buy It Now chaos in 2022, and I just gently put her in a headlock and said, "you're never leaving me now, there is no escape" We promise we treat her well!
Cool job title, I would put that on my business cards were I her. Thank her for me!
I donated a school visit for my picture book LOVE IN THE LIBRARY in the hopes that it being a book once recommended on Fated Mates that its romance adjacent enough but if not just ignore me and I won't be offended!
No you are MORE than welcome!!! While Romance is in the name because it's run by romance readers/authors, we have always had a wide selection of different genres and there is a hunger for lots of different types of prizes!
appreciate the copious reminders bc my adhd is running me ragged the last few weeks! it's not just me, right? 😂 hey it's not midnight *cough* where i am…
Silly but important question: for your purposes, are the employees of FFRDCs federal contractors?
(I want to donate something but also wish to avoid CRIME)
This is more about your employment rules! If you know that you can personally donate to Fair Fight then you should be fine. But your employer should have guidelines if you are in a job where you have to be careful of this stuff!