
Since we have some new friends along for the ride, I just want to give y'all a heads up about how the Auction Aftermath will go! (And I think we have a streamlined process this year, wheee!) First off: the auction ends at 8pm. But we have extended bidding on for maximum chaos!
Extended bidding means that every time someone bids, they'll keep bumping the "end" time by another few minutes to give the person who was just outbid a chance to counter. This can go on for up to 30 minutes! (In 2022 we watched one auction go up almost $3k in extended bidding!)
Once the auction closes, the website will send you a final "invoice" that has a list of everything you won and a total. DO NOT go and donate to ActBlue yet!!! We have a process!
On Friday night, we will send out an email to everyone who won an auction or got a BIN. It will have a custom link for you to click which will let us link your ActBlue donation to your invoice # so we can verify your donation quickly! PLEASE use this link!
We'll also have a form you can click on to provide your mailing address if we don't have it yet. This is not necessary, if you have privacy concerns (tho only Courtney, Bree & our two spreadsheet masters will have access to it) but it will expediate the process!
For those of you who donated items: this year we're not going to send you your winner information until we've confirmed ALL of your winners. Those of you with just a few items may get them quickly! Some may have to wait a bit.
However, this year you will get a nice (single) email with ALL of your winner info, and a spreadsheet that has that info + as much of the address info as we managed to pre-collect for you. This will help it go more smoothly, we hope!
We will not start sending those emails out until Monday, which gives us the weekend to try to get as many people paid as possible. Next week, we'll be sending nightly reminders to those who haven't paid, and winner emails to those we've fully reconciled!
Just to check, will there be 2 options for paying, in and out of the us, or just one link please? I don’t want to mess up 😳
There will be two options, sorry! I should have said links. But there will be both! <3 And very clearly marked
Thank you! Panic averted and now I must spend my evening deciding on how much extra I can bid for the items I want! (Uk time so 5 hours ahead!)
will they get emailed this info? i’m guessing my bidder most likely has come via my mailing list and won’t know to check instructions here or on your other social media accts if i learn who it is, i can instruct them personally ofc
This is just a list of all the emails we're going to send them! lol
ok perfect! so it's not like they'll get an automated 32auctions email that says "now go pay actblue" but in fact they should hold off? good good just making sure!
i mean, i didn't think you would on purpose! but i don't know how 32auctions does its stuff :) a lot of these platforms are very inflexible on that kind of thing, in my experience
(and yes, the automatic invoice says all of this too, but I say it again every year on social media for the people who don't read anything we send them!)