
“Shouldn’t” is just terrorising my mind i’m not rotating it in my mind it is violently shaking and lurching around outside of my control
"Shouldn't" definitely feels like a broad policy belief, like he wants to make it a reality regardless of what the law says now. It's markedly worse than just paying lip service to "genuine concerns."
Turning the dial and looking back at a fucking stupid audience
Yeah - it's saying the situation needs changing and - considering he'll be in No. 10 Friday - it strongly suggests he feels he should (& will) change that. Which of course means rolling back protections & rights. It's also a hop, skip & a jump from stochastic terrorism⬇️
Keir Starmer, the future prime minister, explicitly saying that trans women don’t have the right to use women’s toilets, which we have always been using, is giving the green light for people to harass us and do violence to us, as well as to cis women deemed not feminine enough. Don’t vote Labour.
Do you have a boxing glove or any sort of weapon I can borrow. I’ll give it back, but it might have BLOOD on it
"need to be protected" from them, from those bigots with unhealthy and creepy interests in what people do in bathrooms or in bed
I am a cis woman who has been sharing loos with trans women for decades - never bothered me. Never felt threatened It’s only some men who have at times made me feel threatened. And they’ve never put a frock on to do that. Starmer is utterly without principle or ethics. A transphobic 💩
It’s like I’m back in the 20th century when it was the norm for white dudes to excuse their hate by claiming it was in the interest of protecting ‘their’ women somehow.
I'm imagining the SNL skit "what's my name" except it's a trans person. "Hi, I'm Jane. I've looked like this for years. Everyone who knows me knows me as a woman. You have no reason to think I'm not. Which bathroom should I use?" Should have to have a big audience and to Jane's face.