Ross Macfarlane

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Ross Macfarlane

Climate, clean energy, democracy. Likes to play outside. Former Director and Vice President with Sierra Club trying to retire for a 2d time. Friends are skeptical.
Every bit of this thread -- read it. Stop whining. Start campaigning
Okay fuck it I’m gonna say some shit. Biden isn’t leaving the race. I’d rather he did. I think Kamala is more likely to win. But he ain’t leaving because the-polls-look-bad. He’s obviously going to insist that he can campaign his way out of bad polling. AND HE MIGHT BE RIGHT. (He better be!)
Of course Vance believed in climate science before he found the MAGA religion and became addicted to that sweet, sweet fossil fuel cash.
*pounding fists on the desk of the attack ad guys* dobbs, DOBBS, DOBBS
From the JD Vance (Senate) campaign website. JD Vance would ban every single woman (or girl) from receiving an abortion, no matter the circumstances by which she was impregnated or the danger to her health. Maybe (just maybe) if she risks imminent death.
I find JD Vance very persuasive: "[Trump is] unfit for our nation’s highest office” also, Vance: he goes "back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler.”
Climate Solutions is hiring an Oregon Director. This is an amazing opportunity for somebody to play a top-level leadership role in driving equitable climate action in Oregon. Join our team! https://www.clim!
Outstanding and frightening podcast on Project 25 with -- highly recommended!
It is difficult to convey how much establishment conservatism has been taken over by anti-democratic extremism.   “Project 2025” is actually helpful in that sense: Rightwing leaders are maximally clear about the reactionary vision they want to impose on the country.
Been out for a bit, but noticed that the 2023 data on BLM oil and gas leasing came out today. Biden is keeping it far lower than prior administrations. It's far easier to stop drilling by not leasing than through any kind of action once a lease is issued & a property right created.
Fervo scaling up w larger advanced geothermal contracts. I was particularly struck by this line: "The electrons will flow through a 488-mile transmission line that now transmits energy to LA from a Utah coal plant. ***It’s slated to close next year*** opening up precious space on the wires." 1/
Column: Good news for 100% clean energy. Geothermal has finally Superhot underground rocks can supply 24/7 clean power, combating the climate crisis.
Devastating, and devastatingly accurate, close to’s demolition of the worst policy a Democratic governor has undertaken in a very long time.
Nice to see LCV running adds for younger voters touting Biden's climate accomplishments
Startling -- Biden and Trump are statistically tied among young voters who rate climate action as a top priority. Lots of dissatisfaction about Willow and Gaza, very little knowledge of the enormous amount that Biden has done. Time to spread the good news!
How a drilling project and Israel-Hamas overshadow Biden’s climate record for young Many young voters don’t know much about Biden's climate record. And many activists who helped fuel his 2020 victory are angry about Gaza and a drilling project.
Kudos to Inside Climate News for shining a light on the enormous gap between the stated commitments of Exxon Mobil and the rest of Big Oil to act on climate, and their private efforts at delay. And props to Sen Whitehouse for doggedly pursuing the truth.
Exxon Criticized ICN Stories Publicly, But Privately, Didn't Dispute The Findings - Inside Climate Congressional Democrats say newly released documents trace oil industry's pivot from denial to deception.
Baffling move for Tesla to cut its entire charging team, but long term this might be good. The EV industry has converged on Tesla's standard and platform, and there is lots of talent suddenly available to build a network not subject to Elmo's whims.
Tesla won the EV charging race. So why’s it gutting its Supercharger… Elon Musk’s decision to slash the 500-person EV charging team could hurt automakers and charging companies building Tesla's technology into their future plans.
This. Trump's strategy towards Palestine is to give the most extreme right-wingers in Israel a free hand
It's good that protestors target Democrats demanding they show more concern for Palestinian rights. It's bad that they are not protesting against Republicans, Trump or MAGA mini-me RFK jr for their blatant hostility toward Palestinians. As ever, Republicans get treated as if they have no agency.
Dems Trapped Between Israel and Gaza on the Campaign The outcry for Democrats to call for a ceasefire has placed the Democratic candidates running for Senate in a politically tough position—one Republicans have largely avoided.
Two things can be true: we need to develop scalable technologies to permanently remove and store carbon from the atmosphere due to the inevitability of 1.5 c "overshoot," and we can't let the fossil fuel hide behind them to justify continued pollution.
Can We Engineer Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis? Blocking solar rays. Sucking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Ideas that sound like science fiction are now starting to become reality, raising concerns about safety.