
Random men are literally arguing with one of the most brilliant minds of our time ( purely to be belligerent and angry. This place is really becoming more like twitter every day.
It’s so weird! It’s why I left twitter! I make one mild statement, an opinion, and it’s all a bunch “why don’t you solve the country’s problems in 300 characters.”
If you can't give the field a perfect solution, why do you feel privileged to give an opinion! Uh, because I have opinions?
So do they. Funny how people get upset about other people having opinions as well.
Johnny, your comment does not make any sense because... it implies that the person you're responding to suggested otherwise.
Because… and here’s the wild part, I believe they did. Pretty clearly. I think, Roxane, that if you re-read the comment that was being responded to, you will see that they were. Perhaps not. Either way, have a good day.
I was being sarcastic. There is a very annoying type of scold online that demands you have a solution for every problem you have an opinion on, or somehow you are not serious.
This is also, usually, the same type of person that demands you supply them with endless footnotes to prove to them you are serious in your convictions.
I don’t do peoples research for them. That’s when you know it’s a shit-poster and block.
even if you sketch out a clear framework appropriate to your level of access, it's suddenly, "well, good luck getting support for that, you don't know how to play ball politically!"
It's not about a good faith argument. It's a strategic tactic. Make the "whiner" come up with a "plan" to fix whatever, then you, the demandee, can poke holes in the plan. Instead of legitimizing the initial complaint/opinion/concern.
Hmm. That was sarcasm? Missed that and I love good sarcasm. Yeah I get the trolls and all, and I left Twitter for, well a lot of reasons, but one was the “here’s my opinion but don’t you dare disagree with me” people. I disagreed with the original post. That’s all.
I am sometimes too flat affect. My apologies. It was indeed.