
Four movies I despise -Valerian made me want him dead the whole movie -Transformers ROTF is why I can’t order butter on my popcorn at the movies anymore -Star Wars IX, aka Nuh-Uh!: The Movie, aka Big Nerd Pacifier -Dawn of Justice is not a movie, it is 15 movie trailers in a trenchcoat
[takes a drag off a candy cigarette] I don't like to go negative, but... -American Beauty. I will go to my grave spitting nails at this movie. -Quarantine. Possibly my most hated movie. Unpleasant nothing. -Summer's Blood. Ugly & hateful & GTFO. -Mystic River. MORE SEAN PENN OVERACTING, PLEASE.
Oh gods, "15 movie trailers in a trenchcoat" is the most accurate summary of that movie I've ever read. Superb. The only other one of your picks I've seen is Valerian, and... YEAH.
He’s the worst! His first scene is him trying to judo-throw Cara Delevingne into sleeping with him! And she falls in love with him by the end! Never let Luc Besson cook again!
valerian: agree on hating everyone in the movie, at least the big market first act was at least fun. but holy shit *that fucking intro* rise of skywalker: as the only person on earth who liked it, harsh but fair
I only actually hated one character in Valerian. Unfortunately, it was the title character and he ruined every second he was on screen, making it impossible to appreciate the crazy FX and setpieces going on around him
If you swap his lines and behavior out with replacement-level equivalents, the movie’s probably a 6 or 7 out of 10. He’s just such a turd in the punchbowl that it nullifies all the things I should’ve remembered liking about it
my "taek" afterwards (not knowing it's french comic book) was "was he called valerian because he was dosing it just off screen?" any attempt to rewatch makes me want to watch fifth element instead still *that fucking intro*. sorry ol' DZ's got some space dust in his eyes
Valerian 2017 Incredible Opening Scene HD Space Oddity David
The Fifth Element really is just Valerian if Valerian didn’t peak in the first scene and go downhill from there