
Maybe I shouldn't say this out loud but I has been extremely frustrating watching protestors show they are willing to mask up when their own safety is at risk but not when it's for the safety of the disabled and immunocompromised. And now masks are gonna be banned because of it.
“Immunocompromised people shouldn’t be gathering in large groups anyway” is making me cry today, man. They’re saying the quiet part out loud and the only people I see really making noise about this are those of us who will be completely shut out of public life if these bans go through
No I'm not a Zionist, which I'm sure you're all gonna try to accuse me of. I just hate eugenics and the genocide of disabled people as much as I hate all other genocides.
The problem is that everyone is just ignoring the genocide of disabled people. Like, no one wants to talk about it because most people aren't masking now and those people are the ones who are contributing to our deaths.
It's really easy to protest against genocide when it means you don't have to make any meaningful change in your day-to-day.
I also think another part is that people tend to believe they are "good people" who "do what is right" so I think a lot of people are struggling to start masking again because it would mean they have made decisions that probably killed someone in the last 4 years for their own temporary comfort.
I have given up expecting anyone to resume masking for any reason that's not a selfish one.