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I was born in 1981. Chicago-land.
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The authoritarians like Vance and Hawley, claiming to be true believers in antitrust reform are lying to you. They have no coherent theory of antitrust. They just want to punish companies they believe are too "woke" and antitrust gives them a hammer.
Gaetz is the epitomy of the middle school bully who cowers away once he’s challenged. That old man would’ve buried him.
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J.D. used to be all about clean energy. Then the oilmen came calling.
“The economy will be significantly weaker if Mr. Trump’s economic proposals are adopted,”…Moody’s Analytics predicted… an analysis from the Peterson Institute for International Economics offered an even more dire assessment: Trump’s plans would inflict “massive collateral damage on the US economy.”
LMAO, he’s so soft. TX should secede so they can’t get any more free federal handouts. Losers.
The only thing I’ve seen close to double digit is a U of Houston poll for TX, which… ok. But if your spread is ~3 pts across other key states with 3 months to go, blowing up the ticket seems like desperation. Desperation without a clear plan. “Harris is also broadly unliked, but less so” ain’t it.
Throwing insults always belies a strong argument.
LOL, yes we all know Dem leadership really has their fingers on the pulse!
“The poll, conducted by Morning Consult of 2,045 registered voters on Monday, reveals that Trump is leading Joe Biden by just one percentage point on 46 percent, compared to the president's 45 percent. The poll has a margin of error of +/- two percentage points.” B-b-b-but… Schiff!!!
The debate was weeks ago… you’re still clamoring to build drama about Biden dropping out? Even after the Trump events of the past weekend Biden is polling a point behind. What is your motivation in manifesting a new ticket?
“The poll, conducted by Morning Consult of 2,045 registered voters on Monday, reveals that Trump is leading Joe Biden by just one percentage point on 46 percent, compared to the president's 45 percent. The poll has a margin of error of +/- two percentage points.”…. Concerns!!!
You’re still beating this drum huh? Wild.
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Existing Trump supporters—including political reporters privately in sympathy with him—obviously experienced a powerful galvanizing emotion from the failed assassination attempt. They assumed that emotional experience would be widespread, but so far the polling doesn’t bear that out.
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Trump’s new VP nominee, in 2016.
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One of Leonard Leo's underappreciated insights is that you don't need great minds to advance his reactionary vision of American law. B students are fine, and often preferable.
The headline is predictably milquetoast but credit where it's due: this is in fact the strategy Cannon has adopted to protect Trump. www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/u...
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Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
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He’s elderly and he doesn’t express himself as well as he used to, but the dementia/cognitive dysfunction allegations are clearly bullshit
When does she run for Congress?
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Adam Liptak should be fired for this. It's not some sort of minor technical error or a debatable issue. He's simply lying.
In which the New York Times' top Supreme Court reporter says the court "enhanced the availability of abortion" this term www.nytimes.com/2024/07/08/p...
@nytimes.com is just too obvious these days. Unreal.
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It’s funny that “4 months” is suddenly so critical for the incumbent nominee, and yet was barely a factor when the “drop Biden” crowd were playing fantasy land about some auto-winner coming in to save the day or something. It’s clear who you’re rooting against, at least,
Your crystal ball is working hard!