
every time we get news abt clarence thomas being deeply unserious i think about him lying for years about his sister being a welfare queen who was indoctrinating her children into welfare dependency and the entire time she was working two jobs and her kids were either employed or still in school
*iirc she received welfare support for a couple years bc she had to stop working to care for a sick relative which is uh, also work
Especially since the sick relative she was taking care of was also HIS relative!
Who he didn't take care of. He should have paid his sister tbh
Yes if he was so against state welfare on principle, as he claims, he'd have paid his sis a living caregiver wage. But what he ACTUALLY thinks is that poor people should suffer for being poor.
He was in law school at the time, so he wouldn't have had the money to pay her. But I think that in a lot of ways, that makes all this worse. Part of the reason that he was able to become a Supreme Court judge is because someone else - not so coincidentally a woman - made the family sacrifices.
He could have also worked or done part time or a lot of things to make it possible to pay for care. He didn't. He then chose to destroy her reputation in public. and then ON TOP OF that he took advantage of her, as you said, to enrich himself.
Also, during law school, he declined an offer from the firm where he summered as a 2L, graduated without a job (very unusual for a Yale law grad), and went to work for a state attorney general. If he'd taken that offer, he would have had some money to assist his family. So yeah. Shit human being.