
this is my regular call to everyone that if you find yourself in need of a cable that you no longer have, please contact me before trying to buy another one, I most likely can just mail one to you. and please don't send it back.
I've been trying to sort through some old external hard drives I had in storage and one big challenge is even finding the right cables and in some cases trying to find an old laptop with the right firewire connector or whatever. (This is *not* a request for advice, just an observation.)
i see you too have a box of cables you can't bring yourself to pitch
By the time you are 40 you should have two shoeboxes full of cables that you don’t own the equipment for; three dozen pens from your last two jobs and a handful of dead batteries that you can’t figure out how you are supposed to dispose of.
Shoebox? What? I have a giant office max tote and could not find what I needed last night
In the olden days Apple would give you those really sturdy great plastic bags with drawstrings. They are great for keeping all that stuff.
i've got a large tote bag i got from buying a board game that i filled with cords