Ruth Mottram

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Ruth Mottram

Climate scientist at DMI, Greenland, Antarctica, polar regions in general.
Dipping a toe in yet another social media site. Mostly on mastodon though @[email protected]
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Over on mastodon, this very useful list of free satellite resources was posted by user @[email protected], so I'm posting it here in case anyone over here is interested. I had not for instance realised that Copernicus had taken over from ESA's scientific data hub....
Free Satellite Imagery: Data Providers & Sources For All Free satellite imagery providers democratize access to valuable geospatial data, promoting research, decision-making, and innovation in various fields.
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Exciting news to share - y'all know I like to rattle on about the intersection of climate science and climate risk. Well, now I'm going to do it sitting on the Science Advisory Board for NOAA! Excited to lend my nerd brain to the problem of driving climate information into decision-making.
Dr. Kelly Hereid - NOAA Science Advisory Dr. Kelly Hereid Director of Catastrophe R&D Kelly Hereid, Ph.D., CCRMP, is the Director of Catastrophe R&D at Liberty Mutual in the Corporate Enterprise Risk Management group, with over 10 years of e...
Reposted byAvatar Ruth Mottram
One of the most amazing market failures of our lifetime: despite climate experts warning the insurance industry for years and years, they just refused to take the issue seriously. A metaphor. 🌎💡polisky Swiss Re says industry failed to estimate impact of extreme weather
Swiss Re says industry failed to estimate impact of extreme Global insured losses from natural catastrophes exceeded $100bn for fourth consecutive year in 2023
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certain segments of the insurance industry keep saying that loss estimates from catastrophe models are off by one or more orders of magnitude. Don't know any cat modelers who would agree. why is this such a point of contention within the risk sector?
One of the most amazing market failures of our lifetime: despite climate experts warning the insurance industry for years and years, they just refused to take the issue seriously. A metaphor. 🌎💡polisky Swiss Re says industry failed to estimate impact of extreme weather
Swiss Re says industry failed to estimate impact of extreme Global insured losses from natural catastrophes exceeded $100bn for fourth consecutive year in 2023
Agree: Entscheidungsmanagement Plattform, Agree hilft dir und deinem Team, digital und asynchron Entscheidungen zu treffen, damit Projekte breit abgestützt und geschmeidig umgesetzt werden können.
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Highest known geophysical correlation coefficients?! Check this out: Weighing the Greenland Ice Sheet, month by month, using only GNSS stations around the margin. Essentially as good as a complicated satellite system, at least in this application.
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Good and Bad Ideas
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"Russia always comes with the story first and it's always bullshit" : Pekka Kallionemi Sharing this Vatnik Soup video after listening to BBC R4 phone-in where Russian talking points were repeated 1 after another. They are, it must be said, frighteningly good at what they do. #Russia #Ukraine
Russian online disinformation and propaganda - Pekka Kallioniemi at De I gave a speech in Amsterdam, Netherlands at a De Balie event on Russia's Hybrid War. In the speech I talk about Russian online disinformation tactics in soc...
"Russia always comes with the story first and it's always bullshit" : Pekka Kallionemi Sharing this Vatnik Soup video after listening to BBC R4 phone-in where Russian talking points were repeated 1 after another. They are, it must be said, frighteningly good at what they do. #Russia #Ukraine
Russian online disinformation and propaganda - Pekka Kallioniemi at De I gave a speech in Amsterdam, Netherlands at a De Balie event on Russia's Hybrid War. In the speech I talk about Russian online disinformation tactics in soc...
Reposted byAvatar Ruth Mottram
I går kjørte jeg bil i Oslo sentrum da jeg skulle følge mora mi til fotpleie. Jeg kan konstatere at vi bilister ikke har noe å klage over når det gjelder kjøring i Oslo. Det er verken dyrt, komplisert eller vanskelig å få parkert. 1
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Today I was introduced to what was described as the Worst Plot In Exoplanet Science, and frankly, it is a work of art
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This is insane. It's straight-up malware.
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The winning photo of Nature’s 2024 Working Scientist photography competition shows a unique view of the Polarstern research vessel. Congratulations to Richard Jones and the four runner ups in the competition. 🧪
Breaking ice, and helicopter drops: winning photos of working Nature’s annual photography competition attracted stunning images from around the world, including two very different shots featuring the Polarstern research vessel.
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🧪Médecins Sans Frontières has released details of their spending on a major clinical trial for a drug-resistant TB treatment, and they are calling for greater transparency in clinical trial costs to expose the true costs of medical innovation.
Cost of developing new drugs may be far lower than industry claims, trial Exclusive: MSF calls for transparency after its bill for a trial of TB treatment came to a fraction of the billions claimed by pharmaceutical companies
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I had the honor to present at U Idaho’s Renfrew Colloquium this week and it was a real pleasure to make the pitch for applied glaciology. Given the tremendous import of planning for coastal flooding, in lives and dollars, we should be making our projections of ice sheet change as solid as possible
In Greenland we have the #polarportal to keep a near real-time view on what's going on with the ice sheet, in #Antarctica we don't really have quite the same thing, but I'm happy to announce that our SMB data +that of colleagues from Belgium is now on #SCAR #AntClimNow :
Moving + concerning article about first #Uyghur woman to receive a doctorate, who disappeared in #China. After pandemic, #Ukraine #Gaza + #IranProtests I fear we all lost sight of #uighurs - a really good introduction to the region + portrait of a remarkable woman. What became of Rahile Dawut?
A disappearance in What became of famed Uyghur academic Rahile Dawut?
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There is a special place in hell reserved for whoever came up with the concept of hot desking in large open plan offices for scientific and technical staff. #Wednesday #NoDeskDay #WelcomeToHell
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Are you a #science / #engineering student in Denmark and looking for a part time study job? Recruiting now for a student assistant to work with me on evaluating regional climate models #Greenland + #Antarctica with ESA satellite data, focus on #IceSheets and in collaboration with #PolarRES 🧪⚒️⛏️
Studentermedhjælpere til DMI’s Nationale Center for Nationalt Center for Klimaforskning (NCKF) ved Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI) søger snarest muligt en eller flere dygtige studerende, der kan understøtt
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Reposted byAvatar Ruth Mottram
Such a thoughtful, balanced and well researched article from (as always)
New post just out With the PM talking of "mob rule" and columnists saying we're too diverse - I thought I'd take a look at what the data said... "The truth about integration" (Free to read)
The Truth About I have been challenged by readers to write something less depressing about the state of the country. Not an easy task. But there is one area where the UK is comfortably outperforming its European peer...
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And there we have it: "Fugitive Wirecard COO Jan Marsalek used compromised intelligence officials in Vienna to spy on European citizens + plot break-ins + assassinations by elite Russian hit squads." Which should not have been a surprise to anyone. But was.
Wirecard fugitive helped run Russian spy operations across Jan Marsalek used agents in Vienna to plot break-ins and assassinations by Russian hit squads, prosecutors claim
Are you a #science / #engineering student in Denmark and looking for a part time study job? Recruiting now for a student assistant to work with me on evaluating regional climate models #Greenland + #Antarctica with ESA satellite data, focus on #IceSheets and in collaboration with #PolarRES 🧪⚒️⛏️
Studentermedhjælpere til DMI’s Nationale Center for Nationalt Center for Klimaforskning (NCKF) ved Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI) søger snarest muligt en eller flere dygtige studerende, der kan understøtt