
staffing shortages (related to Dobbs) and refusing to expand Medicaid has destroyed another 3 labor & delivery units in Alabama. some mothers will have to drive 100 miles to get to a hospital with one
Fears rise as 3 maternity units prepare to close in The state has one of the country’s highest maternal mortality rates. Now, three hospitals plan to stop delivering babies, putting some pregnant women at even higher risk.
Infant mortality is not a priority in Alabama.
It takes two to give birth. So, maternal mortality rates are ALSO rising in red states, and thanks to the very same ideology-benighted numskulls.
The forced birthers don’t give a damn about increasing maternal death rates, they view women as brood mates that can be replaced. (They don’t really care about infant mortality rate increases either; it’s all about controlling women)
God I wish they would all disappear in a puff of logic.
Logic has never prevented anything stupid.
True, of course, but these god-fearing X’ians claim to believe unborn children are precious.
Yes unborn children are precious to them, once they’re born, they don’t give a damn about their wellbeing
To me, the implication was that the sinner mother just gets what she gets. 'It's in god's hands."
TL;dr version — it’s an extraordinarily male-centered system of morality. Any forgiveness of sin or sinners will be handed out to the men first.
Part & parcel of a religious ideology that decrees the father is the family upholder of morality. If a man has sex w a woman & impregnates her, he ex-post-facto meant to do that & it’s fine. If a woman does not like the sudden burden of becoming a potential mother, she’s a slut & a whore.
Happening to the wed Christians as well. Morbid thought maybe I should keep to myself...Maybe it will make them think twice about having 20 children just to take over the world by passing ideology. If they are dead in childbirth, who will homeschool the first 4? 🤔
nothing they love more than a live fetus or a dead soldier
Well I for one have no idea who could’ve seen this coming, I know doctors love practicing when the state is literally/figuratively pointing a gun at them for no legitimate medical reason
This nation is a shithole, man.
the really wild thing is nationally we spend like 50 percent more than any other rich country on health care, it just vanishes into bureaucracy and fraud
[mcarglebargle voice] you meant important lifesaving pharmaceutical research that benefits all of mankind
All that extra money spent, and somehow the US has traditionally had worse health outcomes than the underfunded British NHS.
It vanishes into shareholder returns, executive compensation packages, and corporate Medicare fraud.
well compared to second place Germany or Switzerland, as a share of GDP. rich country average, yeah twice as much
I dislike the GDP share comparison, because we euros work a lot less than Americans do (six weeks of paid vacation...) but have the same health care needs - in fact *higher* health care needs because of the older populations (relatedly: Israel has high education and low health spending per capita).
well, even in dollars per capita we're "only" about 1.5x Germany or Switzerland. but yes as you say, the US is wasting world historical amounts of money for objectively terrible outcomes no matter how you slice it
“The leeches cannot be removed because I work for the leeches”
“The leeches cannot be removed because there are too many of them, and if they lose their job as leeches it’ll create economic uncertainty”
The other wild thing is that the share of US federal government spending that goes to transfers for unemployed and welfare has gone from around 25% in 1950 to 65% now. To prevent revolt from growing impoverishment. (Slightly off-topic, sorry)
That’s a symptom of neoliberal buying off the minimum-wage employers, so they don’t unite against the Dems. EITC pretends to keep families afloat; at this point it’s way too small. Raising the minimum wage to $20/hr would resolve a lot of these problems.
Leonard Leo has become ultra wealthy making it so.
Alabama hates poor people.
The US hates poor people, and yet it insists on creating poverty for as many people as possible. Then, they tell those people that it’s their fault for being lazy. But a lot of those people work more than one job.
I agree 100 percent. Alabama – and I know this from very personal experience – takes the cruelty to a much deeper and completely depraved level.
It’s a race in the southern states to be as awful as possible.
With Republicans, the cruelty has always been the point.
“It seems no amount of money provided by the hospital board for the support of Labor and Delivery has been sufficient to maintain this service. We have supported, and would continue to support… if there was someone who could provide the service,” the hospital said in a statement.
“Nobody wants women and children to [die], but you also can’t lose money year over year on a service line,” said Dr. John Waits, CEO of the nonprofit Cahaba Medical Care...
Sure you can. Healthcare doesn't work when it's profit-driven.
Women and childrens' lives aren't worth money?
There are no OBs that want to work in these places...the cost of malpractice is through the roof, add in the ethical and medicolegal snafu created by antiscience gynoticians in the legislature...without looking, I'm guessing Alabama might be one of those states that didn't expand Medicaid also?
pro-life once again, not being pro-life
This also happened in my little rural hometown in NE Florida. If legislators want whole towns to stop growing & slowly (or not so slowly) die off, this is a great way to go about it.
Both my premature children were born pretty quickly after driving 10 minutes to the hospital. I can’t imagine having to drive 100 miles while in labor. If these people actually cared about the unborn, they would have legislated free prenatal care instead of attacking healthcare.
They need to vote out republicans plain and simple.
It’s difficult to do when half the ballot consists of unopposed republicans candidates.
I know geez it's like shooting yourself in the foot everytime.
"We demand that you have more white babies to prevent the great replacement but we're also making it unaffordable and dangerous."