Paul Rinkes

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Paul Rinkes

Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
The conventional wisdom is that there’s a sizable chunk of decent people who really dislike Trump, but can’t bring themselves to support Biden b/c of his age, etc. The reality is that 45-47% of the public plan to vote for Trump because they like him. Even now. And that’s fucking depressing.
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Decades now & I remain convinced til proven otherwise that this is the weirdest thing to ever happen in major pop culture. I used to show this video in class during a lecture on intertextuality and 90's "culture jamming." "I'm not sure what some of the lyrics mean."
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Me at the Canadian border in November: "Yep, just heading to Toronto for the Eras Tour! Stay? *glances nervously back at U Haul truck* Haha, what are you talking about?"
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Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Remember, this is America, the world's greatest democracy. If you're mad at John Roberts, don't protest at his house, focus on defeating him the next time he's up for reelection.
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Also too: imagine if every NYT pundit used their valuable space this morning to call on Rs to ditch Trump for being held liable for sexual abuse, for committing 34 felonies, and for lying about literally everything. They could do that! They don't! I wonder why!
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
that debate was grueling but I know what will be sure to cheer me up! a few words with my good friend, Chevron Deference, alive and well this morning as always
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Hot take: It’s not even July yet. A bad debate performance only matters if you insist on panicking.
Y'all – the Trump decision is going to be INSANE
BREAKING: The Supreme Court overrules Chevron on a 6-3 ideological vote.
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Every month when you pay your wordle subscription, you’re actually handing your $5 to these taintweasels.
Good morning everyone.
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My take on the debate is that debates have always been useless propaganda events at best and in the case of Trump harmfully normalizing pageantry and Joe Biden should have publicly announced a year ago that Donald Trump is criminally unfit and as such would not be granted one.
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Listen to this man.
Everyone was hoping someone would shit their pants at this debate, but so far the only ones who have are bluesky’s professional liberals. Get a goddamn grip
I read it every year. It’s a masterpiece.
The Right Stuff really does deserve its reputation as a classic. Tom Wolfe was cooking with that one.
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
As SCOTUS opinions come out, I highly recommend following Chris and Law Dork for informative timely coverage.
JAMES! Thank you. Law Dork is where it’s at:
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
The young woman who got meme’d for eating ice cream at the CWS has spoken out, and she’s saying everything I and so many other women feel. I hope the ESPN camera op, producer, director, and higher ups for the Men’s College World Series are deeply ashamed.
TikTok - Make Your
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
some interesting numbers entering tonight's debate: 38% 33% 77% (+/- 3 points) 18% among likely voters and unlikely voters 31% among likely voters AND unlikely voters 54% among those surveyed (margin of error: %, source: 87%)
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Oh God what did he say and at once not-say now
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Nostalgia’s okay, but it used to be better
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Haven’t seen the press collectively rooting this hard for a candidate since Bush 2000.
The political press we need: hounding trump & republicans endlessly about his felony convictions, his history of sexual violence, and his attempts to overthrow the government The political press we have:
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Yes, this. There are lots of times when it *sounds* appropriate and reasonable to say "If Congress wants X it should legislate X, not leave it to admin agencies or the court to come up with X," but then you remember what "Congress" actually means.
I think one of the really under-appreciated things in the US is how much SCOTUS' statutory interpretation decisions are damaging--and they are--but almost exclusively because of /Congress/ being a failed institution.
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
Culture bundling. It’s not the guns per se; it’s the cultural bundles that come with the guns and with gun control.
Just tried to explain the "how the hell you spell chauffeur" song that's all over TikTok and she didn't get it. I am too old to be this young.
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
BREAKING: Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Probe Finds Thomas flew to Montana & elsewhere on the billionaire’s dime. Crow’s lawyer revealed the flights to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose investigation was sparked by ProPublica reporting
Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Senate Probe The Supreme Court justice flew to Montana and other destinations on the billionaire GOP donor’s dime. Crow’s lawyer revealed these flights to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose ongoing investigatio...
The AP deleted this 10 seconds after posting probably the most debasing thing a news organization has posted in 8 years
Reposted byAvatar Paul Rinkes
sending a letter to martha-ann alito every day telling her i have command of an urban horde trained by years of playing the knockout game ready to break into her house and read bell hooks at her in a tone of voice where you can hear the absence of capitalization
So by this logic, I'm "just being AI" during my mid year conversations with my manager
“‘The machines are not trying to communicate something they believe or perceive,’ the paper reads. ‘Their inaccuracy is not due to misperception or hallucination. As we have pointed out, they are not trying to convey information at all. They are bullshitting.’”
Researchers Say There’s a Vulgar But More Accurate Term for AI It's not just your imagination — ChatGPT really is spitting out "********," according to a group of researchers.