
"viewing Trump as something like a fascist leader foresaw the violence of January 6th as a live possibility, while its critics mocked the notion as mere hysteria. Whatever its shortcomings, “Trump as fascist” remains the best guide to what Trump will try to do next"
What's In a A Canned Post
It's not warning about what Trump will do that is hyperbole, it's dismissing it that's the hyperbole.
Trying to think of anything he has done since ‘15 that makes him seem less like a fascist and struggling
I believe Scocca mention a while back something to the effect that no story about him has ever come back like “actually he was a good guy here”. It’s always worse
He is certainly a fascist but I also assume he is an active and willing Russian intelligence asset. Everything falls into place. This likely applies to dozens of elected Republicans as well.
People need to realize that him being an absolute buffoon doesn't preclude a bunch of nasty outcomes