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Inefficiently educated queer slob nerd. He/him. Avatar photo by Phill Dane on Unsplash.
For all remaining "Kamala is a cop" types: The president of the United States is a cop. They're in charge of the entire federal law enforcement apparatus. If you're voting for president but won't vote for the "cop," take a moment to reflect.
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If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
How can Biden demonstrate his fitness for office? How about if he ran the country for three years with a record of great success despite the vicious opposition of House Republican wackos and the fascist SC? Would that prove anything?
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Federal agencies can't do anything, but a president can do anything.
My hot take is that the Loper Bright decision is far worse than what happened during the debate.
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The three coequal branches of government are the Senate parliamentarian, the White House office of legal counsel and the United States district court in Amarillo Texas
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Using the computer to make art: 1. Email an artist 2. Offer them a fair wage 3. Voila
I don't understand all the posts about how the inflation rate is phony because it's just corporate greed. Isn't inflation literally an increase in prices? And don't companies normally charge the maximum they can? How is this inflation any different from any other inflation?
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The humanities in 2024: Umm pardon me sir, you may notice we hold the keys to all wonder and beauty in human life, if that's OK, Tech in 2024: BEHOLD--we've made a racist Leisure Suit Larry chatbot! Prepare to submit to termination
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Kind of incredible how easy it is to identify what he means by each of these
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Some truths: 1. US Anti-Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian hate is exploding 2. US Antisemitism is exploding 3. Fascists are using this moment to grow their power 4. The Rafah invasion is an emergency that needs to be called out urgently 5. All these things mater at once
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It’s time to talk about how the weaponized accusations of antisemitism are often rooted in anti-Muslim/Arab/Palestinian bigotry, and how we don’t realize this partly because we’re so busy parsing out the definition of antisemitism instead of integrating our understanding of other forms of bigotry.
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You can tell Noonan hasn’t done any reporting in years because this is what it’s like reporting on any group or institution in America. Try calling up the ACLU and getting quotes from a rank and file staffer without going through their media team.
once again, this is a skill issue
Now all the Democrats will say that Henry Cuellar is the victim of a deep state conspiracy and encourage violence towards prosecutors and jurors. Oh wait, no they won't.
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I forgot I took this for my dear Blueskyers the other day too
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If the USC students wanted the LAPD to keep its distance they should have arranged to be attacked by some thugs
LAPD has surrounded the USC encampment, per the USC Palestine Justice Faculty Group's instagram page.
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These pampered brats have nothing in common with the real protesters of America’s past, who from the Boston Tea Party to Selma to the Woolworth’s lunch counter managed to bring real change while still respecting property rights, following the rules, and always obtaining the proper permit.
Seeing a lot of people pointing out the arrest of college professors as if that's particularly shocking. But arresting a middle aged person with a doctorate isn't actually worse than arresting a 20 year old student. All these arrests are wrong. Arresting a high status person is not more wrong.
I know I'm not breaking new ground here but fucking hell the massive reactionary overcompensation to the campus protests is just ludicrous. Not just terrible and wrong but darkly hilarious. A total failure by highly educated elitist cowards.
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Hot take: rich kids using the safety and protection of their privilege to do activism for marginalized communities is actually a good thing. It’s also why so many of their parents are responding by becoming more and more conservative.
The people muttering that people are showing solidarity with "rich" college young people aren't themselves EVER showing up for poor young people. They just want to score fictional social media points. Carry on.
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Obviously these companies are structured very differently. Toyota's value is found in the products it makes and brings to market, which people can buy and use. Tesla's value is from Elon Musk sometimes saying things like "I will invent magical taxis by November" and shareholders pissing themselves
Just for comparison. Tesla has delivered a total of 3,878 Cybertrucks. In 2023, Toyota produced an average of about 24,000 vehicles per day.
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there's a secondary problem with all the juror info the media keep releasing -- not just that the jurors might be doxxed and harassed, but given the way the numbskull keyboard detectives work, that completely uninvolved people with similar details will have their lives upended.