Et alia

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Et alia

Deep, dumb, thoughts
Wow, a true innovator in our times.
The only people I hear talking about Biden being old immediately say they are still going to vote for him. I just don't understand what votes they are even fighting over at this point.. People most likely made their minds up in 2020 and I don't think any of this is going to change them.
Pretty well run playbook for authoritarians tbh. Just go look at the political history of dictators all over globe. Some kind of assassination attempt, that is later proved false, is used to get them into power. A low information voter believes it because its emotional despite the facts to disprove.
Bloomberg and the case of the 4 disappearing bullets. As narrated by the same people who told us Pedophiles were in a pizza shop basement, the 2020 election was stolen, and the Obama birth certificate was fake. Journalists in 2024 are just....
Yeah leftists..............
Fake af Give it a year. After the election the whole story is going to change from the trump camp.
Looks like a bunch of hooey. He seemed fine afterwards. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a gimmick by him and his staff.
Might need to work on that hashtag, idk....
be careful they will come for you if you speak up.
Are you still subscribing to the NYT or WSJ? You realize you are doing this if you are.
If the primary in 2016 or 2020 had played out without super delegates and rules interventions, I am not even sure we would have ever got here. Nonetheless, Dems still refuse to do what france did and make a coalition of the left and left-center. Instead opting to work with the center and rt center
Praise you good sir.... Tell them.
Reposted byAvatar Et alia
Jews calling for a cease fire have taken over Grand Central ✊ Tell me again how they’re marginal. Absolute nonsense.
Reposted byAvatar Et alia
If having oversight is that big of a problem they should be named and fired whether the justice department oversight goes through or not.
Are you guys serious? The liberals run this mf. He deleted it for his own reasons
Port Authority did not make the A EJZ train have no express services to JFK. And I literally said PA and MTA in my OP. You just want to argue and do gotchas, I'm not interested tbh. Good luck my guy. Carry that water for those morons wasting MTA cash every year and reducing services.
Come on bruh now you're just defending the MTA shenanigans. I hate cars as much as the next Manhattanite
So China funding the heritage foundation was not in my 2024 bingo cards. This hack is pretty interesting tbh.
LOL. Are you serious? Who lives in midtown?
Well if it didn't take 1-2.5 hours to get to JFK from Manhattan/NNJ maybe so many people wouldn't drive. The MTA & Port Authority are also to blame here. & I want congestion pricing as much as anyone. But they create these crises by building cool whalebone stations instead of fixing service.
You'd have to use the trains. And add a package train or package car. Or a package car. There are warehouses in Brooklyn and queens where you'd likely have to do some construction to accommodate the new infrastructure but this solves so many problems with internet delivery long term I think it works
I am more thinking a package car/train that takes the items direct from the warehouses into these locations. Probably at night to avoid schedule disruption. A package caboose could be attached to existing service, those trains are painfully slow already!!!
Amazon/UPS/FedEx delivery. Couriers can use the subway to deliver and coordinate. Less cars on the street. Faster delivery. And a convenient pickup location for people without a secure drop off near there homes. All while private companies fund the mta subway. Win win win win
He needs to address the concerns of these people. Even John Stewart said just telling everyone to shut up is nonsense
You have a weak mindset. I feel sorry for your family members.