
"(3 liberals + ACB)" = all the women on the Court & none of the men, that's some weird wacky wild stuff
Based on the orals there are 4 votes against Idaho (3 liberals + ACB), and 3 against (Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch), so we're down to Roberts and Kavanaugh. My guess is they hold Idaho's law violates EMTALA in a lot of instances and not all of them.
Barrett has several biological children (can't remember the exact number), and it seems pretty obvious her personal experience is factoring in here.
the Long ACB theory keeps looking better
btw if ACB flips even slightly lib the GOP is never nominating another woman again
I didn't realize there was anything to this idea. Have people really speculated she might pull a Souter someday?
I don’t think she’s going to Souter but I think despite being perceived as being super conservative she is well on her way to O’Connordom
even if that's a correct description of ACB's mien and relative position among her colleagues, she's notably to O'Connor's right (O'Connor joined the per curiam majority in Planned Parenthood v. Casey; crafted the affirmative action consensus this SCOTUS has gutted; opposed public school prayer)
She also joined a bunch of campaign finance restriction majorities whose work completely unraveled under Roberts Re the Establishment Clause, O'Connor wrote this in 2005! She insinuates 10 Commandments in courtrooms = al Qaeda!
1) O’Connor moved left on abortion during her time on the bench 2) the thesis here is not that ACB is already centrist, it’s that she’s moving left
it's difficult to say when the petitions and grants are moving so far to the right. she's joined the far-right cons on the racial gerrymandering cases I haven't followed where she's been swing-y on casting votes. I know she's joined the three liberals on a few death penalty matters