SacredEd2023-- Sex Ed with Street Cred

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SacredEd2023-- Sex Ed with Street Cred

Blk Ohio Male
I talk about sex, politics, sports, etc.
#BLM #antiwork #TransLivesMatter #sexpositive #ENM #Exvangelical #LGBTQALLY #NoDickZone
Today's Sexy Fortune Cookie 🥠: As much as there is enjoyment as a giver in the bedroom,it is equally enjoyable experience to be receiver...provided both sides make sure the other is aroused and loved deeply.
When fear grips your heart and mind so much you lash out against the things you worry about the most.
This election season, it is a pretty simple choice:
Today's Sexy Fortune Cookie 🥠: Out of all the things you could desire the most out of your day a warm, passionate touch can melt away an entire day of stress.
I'm showing my Beloved the entire Babylon 5 series on Tubi two or three episodes at a time. The parallels of topics they covered in the future relates so well with the present. I have to remind myself on shitty days like this Monday that there are more that stand for what's right than advertised.
Today's Sexy Fortune Cookie 🥠: Don't throw away an opportunity to share passion with someone new. The last thing you want to carry in life is a bag full of regrets.
Hundreds of US politicians who are arming, funding, manufacturing consent for a GENOCIDAL white colonial ethno state as it slaughters 120,000+ Palestinians, and brutally suppressing (student) protests, over the last 9 months, are telling you that "violence is not the answer." Wow!!
Today's Sexy Fortune Cookie 🥠: Admitting to our vulnerabilities and our culpabilities makes one a sexy beast! Showing humility about our faults and our inner issues doesn't make one look weaker but stronger.
For your Sunday... The ultimate form of micromanaging your sex life is when the church world does so. From loving yourself to loving more than just one person; being in or out of the marital bond the church is everywhere. Ever found yourself in that situation?
David Hayward | Artist (@nakedpastor) on Has the Church ever interfered in your sex life?
Dr. Ruth “defended abortion rights, suggested older people have sex after a good night’s sleep and was an outspoken advocate of condom use … In the 1980s, she stood up for gay men at the height of the AIDS epidemic and spoke out loudly for the LGBTQ community.”
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, America’s diminutive and pioneering sex therapist, dies at Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the diminutive sex therapist who became a pop icon, media star and best-selling author through her frank talk about once-taboo bedroom topics, has died.
I want to promote a good content creator that I know from my Twitter days because she deserves it. She's good people and a sexy beast to boot.
As they say: Happy Wife Happy Life 🔥 Be nice and follow me 👉🏾 👉🏾 👉🏾 ~MD
Sexually Suggestive
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#EmbraceYourSins ~MD
Sexually Suggestive
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#EmbraceYourSins ~MD
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Today's Sexy Fortune Cookie 🥠: Never harsh on somebody's kink, fetish, or relationship that doesn't match your own. Just because it's not your vibe doesn't mean somebody else needs to conform the same way. They're vibing very well on their own, thank you!
You know racism is on the rise when you keep hearing people say "I'm no racist, but..." I know Neo-Puritanism is on the rise because I keep hearing people say "I'm no prude, but..." and then they say something very sex-phobic.
PROJECT 2o25 current numbers In case you wondered, the Heritage Foundation has a phone number you can call. Definitely don't bomb their line and take up all their time by letting them know how much everyone hates them: 800-546-2843 Also call the #1 donor! The Scaife Family Foundations, 412-392-2900
It's not that I don't support anyone of any genre to enjoy and be active in sex work. There are only just enough dollars on me available that I can spend freely just to support just one creator. Please don't hate me if I don't click on everyone's site.
Congratulations! You made it to the weekend! May I present to you my weekly gift of sexy, erotic, and romantic tunes to be the soundtrack of your passion. I call it #FridayEargasm ----- One of my bosses I talk to at work is a HUGE music lover. Like me, we both love Prog Rock.
Today's Sexy Fortune Cookie 🥠: "Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover Something in the way she woos me" The Beatles
Tomorrow,my #FridayEargasm comes from an artist that we watched in concert last night. My hint: Her piano playing is as calming and soothing as her voice.