
I'm not being a dick here I can also say with statistical certainty that certain heavy caliber guns with a spin chamber, when spun, will spin with the single bullet on the bottom, with three empty chambers before it. I'm still not playing Russian Roulette with that information.
I can say with statistical certainty that who I vote for at the presidential level will not change any political outcomes.
Some people seem to think the “best path” is having an actual civil war, as if we shouldn’t consider any path that saves lives and minimizes harm while achieving goals first.
Those are people who do not understand on a very real adult level what death is.
The levels of death and destruction in a modern American civil war would be mind- breaking.
Most people eager for this don’t understand how hard it would become to get medicine, to get food and drinkable water, how bad conditions would get. Civil war would be a protracted thing out of necessity, not a first choice.