
Are you actively trying to put a fascist in office? you do understand that by having a following and continually skeeting and tweeting “Biden dementia bad” (your too-cute-by-half ableist stuff is obvious) actually is heard and seen by other people?
Carl Bernstein on CNN saying Biden has had "15-20" episodes in the last year like the one he had during the debate with a noted increase in the last six months
They think they’re not trying to put a fascist in office but they’re making arguments in hopes of replacing him that will persist once he is not replaced, and I wish they would have some fucking introspection about that.
I saw one think tank liberal on the other site say they just want to prevent the toothpaste from going back in the tube because ossifying the narrative is the only way elite Democrats will agree go with a different candidate, and I wonder what it's like to not be aware of downside risks.
Like, you ossify the narrative, and then Biden refuses to step down. Now what?
Or you ossify the narrative, Biden steps down, and President Harris gets nothing but, "How long were you aware of President Biden's decline? Did you lie to the American people?" questions from the media from now until November.
This is why Biden stepping down isn’t going to work, this is already baked in