
Can’t believe folks watched the paper of record manufacture consent for months to arm a fascist who has turned 1,000 children into amputees and then decided to cancel their subs when the NYT insulted their adopted grandpa (who is guilty of the same things btw). Absolutely morally bankrupt country
100% the suffering and death of Palestinian children doesn't even register for Biden democrats
When I started making images of Gazan children (like the ones below) to post to Bsky I thought "surely this will shock Democrats out of their complacency." Someone was shocked, all right, but it wasn't them.
Avatar thought I was Palestinian and told me to get over it and vote for Biden
Lotta ppl out there who claim to be holding their nose and voting for Biden despite all the war crimes bc there is no alternative and now the NYT has taken it upon itself to get them an alternative and they are unsubscribing from the NYT. Really makes you think
Yeah. I understand lesser evil voting but watching Biden happily slaughter tens of thousands, possibly over 100,00 when all the bodies are counted, and then try to claim he's *not* evil is just fucking gross. He's not just "handling this badly" he's getting the outcome he's working toward!
Not just “not evil” but in fact the victim of an ableist hatchet job! Poor lamb