Sam Eyler-Driscoll is Uncommitted🍉

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Sam Eyler-Driscoll is Uncommitted🍉

Founder & Lead Editor, Standard Error Research Editors (,; opinions here are mine!)
Ex American Journal Experts/Springer Nature, Chicago Booth, CEPR, LSE
Lefty Mama
📍Chicago & Medellin
people who dont want to watch videos all the time should have their own nuclear armed country
Sunday afternoon Bluesky be like The left just won big in France. Here’s why that’s bad news for the American left
We love to see it!!
We will see how the final result lands, but if this holds it does seem likely that given a choice between the center and the far right, voters chose the far right. Given a choice between the left and the far right, they chose the left. How about that!
If the exit polls hold, Marine Le Pen won't last the summer as leader of the RN.
My takeaway from the last few weeks is that disastrous moments for the center are good for the left. Dig in, fam. We can win
That man looked voters in the eye and all but said “I’ll keep funding the murder of brown people over there no matter what y’all say or do.” We aren’t giving ourselves shit.
i’ve been saying biden should step down for years ur not special
George Jackson was arguing already in the 70s the the US is fascist.
…the dramatic sweep or bang of a March on Rome, it’s gonna feel a lot more “normal” than that and therefore easier to dismiss by many elite pundits 2) ask an older Black voter if it’s hard to believe that America may no longer be a democracy at some point in its modern history.
Can only conclude that Nick wants Trump to win and should be HUACked
Wow Nick are you implying some sort of equivalence between American lives and foreign ones Seems subversive
V excited to be returning to Cartagena this week for the first time since I was 6 months pregnant and got mugged in broad daylight and spent the rest of the trip having panic attacks. Can only get better from that baseline I reckon
"The Macron project failed because, while it used the language of reason and competence to justify its reforms as necessary technocratic changes that were beneficial to everyone, they were often neither backed by science nor particularly fair." Delete 'Macron', insert 'centrist Democrat'
Financial TimesFinancial News, analysis and opinion from the Financial Times on the latest in markets, economics and politics
My takeaway from the last few weeks is that disastrous moments for the center are good for the left. Dig in, fam. We can win
People of the Internet: Esther Duflo The new French left must unite behind a fresh vision
I've always enjoyed the dialectic of people condescending to MENA and South Asian diaspora voters in the West that if they want to see change they need to engage in the process and then as we do so they throw a fit and say that we're undermining the West
Meanwhile over at the Telegraph, a leader writer wonders if a community taking part in the democratic process means its time to stop "handing citizenship out" to them. The absolute state of this.
Can’t believe folks watched the paper of record manufacture consent for months to arm a fascist who has turned 1,000 children into amputees and then decided to cancel their subs when the NYT insulted their adopted grandpa (who is guilty of the same things btw). Absolutely morally bankrupt country
I have an exciting, and unexpected, professional news to share: I’m going back to academia! This fall, I will join the CEREFIGE, a research center in economics and management at in Nancy, as a research associate. Read more here:
I have unexpected professional news to share – Announcement I am going back to academia
Apropos of old men being completely decrepit and expecting everyone to pretend they don’t notice and give them everything anyway I cannot stop thinking about Lula getting released from jail and immediately circulating that video of himself doing like squats and the rowing machine to Eye of the Tiger
“It’s ableist to say the openly unqualified white man should keep the job that multiple women and nonwhite people waiting in the wings would do much better” is the new “it’s ableist to expect neurodivergent people not to do racism” huh
the fundamental semantic polarities levered by Trumpism are strong/weak and winner/loser. If you genuinely think you will lock down support from swing voters by fielding a candidate who expects a bunch of bullies to forgive him for his all-too-human abjection I simply don’t know what to tell you
100 years of imperialist American bullshit. Happy 4th
People comparing FDR who stopped a genocide to Biden who is doing a genocide should consider shutting their damn mouths
In thinking about how we've arrived at this moment of reaction across Europe and the US, I can't help but return to the longer cycles of history and the way in which rather than solve world historical problems, we have often simply recreated them in alternate forms. 1/