
I fucking hate the Left so much. I fucking hate these people. If Bowman loses his primary I'm just going to give up on politics. I loath these animals with every inch of my being. Idiotic human debris. The dumbest, most useless "people" in America.
These people don't get to define "The Left". Don't let them have that. The American Left has a long and rich history. These people are just ignorant clowns with brains full of shitty social media takes.
this. we don't know if these ppl are trolls, bots, etc
I’ve said it to them I’ll say it to you: you don’t get to give up. You’re not entitled to that
If a single Squad member loses, America won't deserve to continue. I'm sorry to say. The Left and the conservadems will have worked hand in hand to defeat the few good people in power, and they will deserve to have a bad time. Not my fault.
Very much your fault if you give up. And one that’ll hurt you too. Would you be functional in politics even 80 years ago if *this* would make you give up? When exactly did America begin deserving to continue?