Sam Grady🇺🇸🇵🇸🇺🇦

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Sam Grady🇺🇸🇵🇸🇺🇦

Writer. Neoprogressive 🦋. NATO Leftist. Patriot.
Being a good citizen, being a good neighbor, being a helpful and attentive student, being a good community member, even what was once considered being a good Christian - all of these things are antithetical to the right wing movement
Real principled leftist politicians in France: “I will sacrifice my career so a liberal can get this office instead of a fascist” Leftist edge lords online: “Shut the fuck up libs you’re all fascists anyway”
I welcome the imperial presidency. SCOTUS does not know what it hath wrought.
Logging off before the results, but tonight would've gone better if the insane Dumdum Left freaks didn't hate life, being normal, and winning. Sucks that they're working together with conservadem AIPAC psychos to hand the country over to degenerate MAGA chuds. Most Americans deserve Trump. Oh well!
Gonna go sit through Bad Boys, Inside Out 2, and Planet of the Apes tomorrow so I don't spend all night doomscrolling through election returns and fighting people online. The magic of cinema.
The Online Left who keep calling AOC a genocide supporting neolib sellout or whatever have to get extremely mad when stuff like this happens.
AOC posts about outside spending from groups like AIPAC trying to oust Jamaal Bowman, and the Dumdum Left responds by screaming at her about being funded by AIPAC. Try to think about that without losing your mind. It's so over. The Pro-Palestine movement in America is a joke. We deserve to lose.
If we lose to Latimer, we will have deserved it. My god.
someone emailed me to yell at me for not being a good representative of the 16th Congressional District of New York, in response to an interview i gave on brian lehrer this morning. i told them that they were yelling at the wrong black person and they replied insisting that i am the right one!
New: A Black caller into the Brian Lehrer Show this morning asked George Latimer—Jamaal Bowman’s primary opponent—about a 2021 comment he made comparing Andrew Cuomo to Emmett Till & how he could support Black constituents. I've transcribed the shocking exchange.
The Online Left is so stupid and unhinged and vile that I sometimes forget how evil the conservadem crowd is.
Got my final grad school rejection email. Spent over $600 in application fees for the honor of not getting into any MFA programs. That's okay there's always next year. 🙂
It's really fascinating how AIPAC and the Online Left and MAGA chuds all hate the exact same few lawmakers. Not even a horseshoe--a perfect circle of the very Evil and the very stupid. The Squad are a great litmus test for quickly determining who the bad guys are.
Online leftism is a wild political movement that believes you should try accrue every kind of political power possible except elected office, than gets mad at its own powerlessness. Just an amazing grifting movement.
One of the most consequential things Leftists can do this year if they truly care about Gaza is to help Jamaal Bowman fight off AIPAC's million dollar ad buys against him. Donate
I just gave to Jamaal Bowman! Show your support with a contribution.
Putin is doing everything Republicans hope to do here, which is why they have zero problems with Trump being in his pocket.
I saw The Mummy in theaters. As a whole, it's a very stupid movie. But also, nostalgia for what seemed like a better time (1999) and this:
Threads vs Bluesky. Hard to tell which site has The Juice™, but the Twitter-ification of both is well underway 🙃
I fucking hate the Left so much. I fucking hate these people. If Bowman loses his primary I'm just going to give up on politics. I loath these animals with every inch of my being. Idiotic human debris. The dumbest, most useless "people" in America.
Seems like there is a ton of English major jobs and they're all impossible to break into.
What goes on in the brains of Online Leftists? I'm genuinely curious. Is it one disorder or several? What has to happen to someone for them to end up like this? Is it genetic or environmental?
Amazing speech from AOC. And you just know the deranged Online Left losers are going to think this is the result of their harassment of her.
Happy St. Patrick's Day 🍀🙏🏻🇺🇸🇵🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪🍀
We are seeing levels of Grady-pilling that I had never dreamed possible. Americans are waking up.