
Well, see, disabled people can't possibly run a country. They look weak, and America must be strong! That's the general attitude that disabled people like myself encounter on the regular. My disability is invisible, so most people don't give ME shit if they don't know, but it's everywhere. 1/?
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
This is the same attitude that leads to people talking down to wheelchair users as if they're less capable, intelligent people. Disabled people, especially those with mobility aids or noticeable tics and stims, are often infantilized. I've seen people literally take on the bearing of an adult-
- Talking to a child when explaining a computer program to a wheelchair user at my college. The guy couldn't walk without assistance, but there was no reason to assume he couldn't understand the instructions. Except that, the speaker assumed disability = incapability.
I had a friend who was born with cerebral palsy, who spoke two languages fluently and aced her way through schooling with no issues beyond speech impediment. How did a girl she knew introduce her to some people on the bus? "This is my friend [name], she's a little slow so be patient with her!"
The look on my friend's face broke my heart and infuriated me. The same woman treated me like I knew exactly what she was talking about because I don't 'look disabled.' I'm autistic. I made sure to introduce myself as such to the whole group, so they wouldn't treat me like 'one of them'.