Sarah McCuan Stephens

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Sarah McCuan Stephens

Christian. Interests: data (also my job), ancient Greek, & now tiny house renovation! also: cooking, reading, chill video games, 3rd wave coffee. ND / TX
Caramelized onions today with hot pepper flakes and pineapple juice. Pretty sure the Stephens household just found a new savory staple for putting on everything.
My parents are visiting and Jimmy is playing ratm's "Bullet in the Head" while showering for dinner. Is this civil disobedience? (he gets along fine with the in-laws, I'm just amused)
I use one of these since I travel a lot! ( You choose to discard junk mail and they'll scan anything "real" - you can then get it forwarded as needed. It's a bit pricy but I haven't had any issues. They have different "tiers" for sorting detail, B works great for me.
Honestly I feel like Americans complain soooo much even about the places that are medium-difficult to move to. "What do you mean I have to live here a few years and learn the language?!! the horror!!" (which feels like... table stakes for becoming a resident citizen? idk!)
Person here whose job it is to come up with estimates: WE GIVE RANGES. "It's probably about 35% but somewhere between 20-50%." Giving ranges expresses how confident we are in our estimates. But you almost never see this in shows.
two days ago marketing freaked out b/c google universal analytics data is going away on 7/1 and THEY MIGHT NEED IT SOMEDAY so this evening/weekend I'm hacking together a google sheets plugin -> stitch -> snowflake pipeline.. it's so yucky but it's a 1x data dump so ... whatever.
what's funniest? most annoying? about this situation is that we have a proper ga4 pipeline set up AND THEY DON'T USE IT. it's fine tho I needed to learn how to use google sheet macros for data cleaning >.>
I'm so sorry. Friendships, candor, and feelings are all hard things to handle, and it hurts so much when things go wrong. Hugs. 💚
A little of both! Slept a few extra hours and then tried to get things done!
CoS is great! The villain has depth, the setting is fascinatingly creepy, and you get to be heroes. Just take as much radiant damage as you can, mwhahahaa. This is actually my second time in a CoS campaign, but the DM's are taking TOTALLY DIFFERENT approaches so it's almost a different game.
It's been an overwhelming couple of weeks. Trying to decide what is the best use of my long weekend: try to get a lot done, or just catch up on sleep.
All I'm saying is that my husband/DM is currently running a Curse of Strahd campaign where adopting we are adopting NPCs right and left as our path to victory. We haven't even gotten to Vallaki and already have: 1/2
- Ireena (not sure she counts but we're training her as a paladin) - legless man rescued from cannibal cultists (rides on the back of our paladin) - strange child rescued from wolves 2/3
- runaway teenaged girl obsessed with finding a knight in shining armor - giant teenager who thinks he is a wizard because he has a pointy hat (actually he just hits people really hard) - sapient horse 3/3
It's a hilarious mishmash keeping everyone straight when we're setting out, figuring who is marching in what order, etc. Since it's CoS we are almost certainly going to have NPC deaths coming, and that is going to be sad times. (we've already had one, he got eaten by the mist, RIP Jallard)
okay but I would honestly find the blacksmithing part way more interesting / fun than the throwing part. same way I prefer making beer to drinking beer... creating good, consuming meh
Like axe-throwing, but EVEN MORE METAL AND MASCULINE!!!
IMO it was one of the best "teambuilding" events HR organized. It wasn't mandatory but it felt really good knowing that a sizable % of my coworkers knew how to use the AED. And the day someone got hit by a truck outside our building we were prepared!
100% agree - did the training every year with $employer pre-covid when we were in-office. Even the super basic things like "recognize the signs of a heart attack," "designate someone to call 911" are so important to review regularly. I should probably look up a refresher course tbh
Today I got up super early and drove 40mi to town for a tree sale. 1. I'm turning into a midwesterner and planting windbreaks. 2. I'm turning into my mom. This is something my mom would do. (I sent her a picture of the sale list and she was super excited.)
another day, another broken python installation.
someday I will do the work to PROPERLY set up my toolchain. is today that day? absolutely not.
I'm trying to do more writing these days, might join at times after 5ish EST.
Haha at least I haven't quite had that happen yet! I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
Living a a hundred year old wreck of a house provides the _best_ opportunities for DIY skills. But why is it always on a random weekday?!
I've got an old pile of bricks in the back yard and I'm doing the same. Definitely don't need a new project but a lil patio/ path would be so cute.
Probably soaks up heat and has weird runoff issues. Tempting tho!
In Spokane WA this weekend for a wedding. Spring here is absolutely gorgeous, so many flowers everywhere! One of the prettiest towns I've visited; even famously grumpy husband likes it.
The perils of the English language, I suppose.