
the most fucking surreal thing Iโ€™ll never get used to is how local tv news anchors will laugh along with the meteorologist about a prolonged heatwave when Iโ€™m over here freaking out about our boiling hot planet & how bizarre it is that these chuckleheads are yada-yada-ing climate collapse
I used to think a lot about that Decemberists lyric "And the anchorperson on TV goes... La de da de da de-dadedade-da"
About 12 years ago I came to the conclusion that local TV news was just 100% pathetic garbage that ultimately infuriated me Stopped watching it, and all advertising, and haven't regretted either choice for a second re: the heatwave try this
Weather and climate office hours by Weather West: Weekend edition. I'll discuss the ongoing prolonged and in some cases record-breaking heat across much of the West as well as unfolding wildfire situation. 3pm PT, Saturday 07/06/2024. #CAwx #CAfire #CAfire
Weather and climate office hours by Weather West: 07/06/2024 - The latest in a recurring series of live, virtual, & interactive "office hours" hosted by Dr. Daniel Swain on various topics related to extreme weather and c...
Thanks but Iโ€™m not asking for suggestions: Iโ€™m talking about the cognitive dissonance of it all