
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Poor people also read. It is a harmful classist stereotype to think otherwise, and we should have moved past it by now.
And books are more expensive than TV sets, even big ones. That's why we need libraries. A quick look suggests you could buy in the region of 10-20 books (not academic books) for the cost of a 55" smart TV
And you will NEVER replicate the experience of a library on some algorithm-driven app. As a kid I never would have seen Dune or 1984 prominently displayed to me if all it had was my scholastic book fair purchase history. Much less the school librarians and their support for a book-loving child.
I'm sometimes still surprised when someone says "the library saved my life" as a child. I thought I was the only one who felt that way! A peaceful, accepting place that opened up the world for curious kids. It was a refuge for many.
I work in a public library and adults have said that to me. People were in tears when we went into lockdown in 2020. Libraries are a sanctuary, and not just for children.
a library is where I found all kinds of cool foreign movies back in the day, from samurai stuff to meet the feebles lol