
I once again implore you all to imagine the reaction if a liberal Supreme Court justice flew an upside-down US flag in their yard.
I’d be thrilled to hear we have a liberal SCOTUS Justice
The lack of attention is notable but MegaCorp infotainment reporting isn’t symmetrical. How about that Republican war against American democracy eh?
I love my dog and do not wish to imagine shooting my dog.
Every GOPer in Congress would be screaming, if able would hold hearings, and planning legislation to restrict SCOTUS independence in a variety of forms. from age limits, ethics rule, to jurisdiction. even impeachment. hearings. And they would use this as a major issue in the upcoming election.
It would cause nearly as much uproar and outrage as wearing a TAN SUIT
The fig leaf of “actually it’s the wife who’s a seditionist” would immediately calm them, right?
Different universes seems like. Imagine Trump getting more votes but still losing the next election (like Hillary). Would he then consider the election stolen...?