
"We have entered an uncertain new era. The door is now wide open to the kinds of fascism and authoritarianism we spent much of the 20th century and hundreds of thousands of American lives combatting overseas."
The Supreme Court Took A Sledgehammer To American This is special hair-on-fire edition of TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email...
You have to wonder what choices WW2 veterans and their families would have made if, upon returning Stateside, they learned their children and grandchildren would become the same fascists and Nazis they just finished fighting and losing years, innocence, friends and family to.
Sounds like it's time to take a sledgehammer to the SC then
I think since they were placed there by roughly bending the institutional norms that should have a balanced court sitting there, they can be removed by bending those same norms. I don't respect the way McConnell manipulated the schedule to pack the court. We shouldn't have to respect it.
I don't feel desperate, I feel betrayed. Pretty sure fellow vets feel the same, especially those of us with "fight for democracy" as the reason we were sent to war to begin with. Knowing my friends and fellow troops died for this anti-American BS pisses me off.
I may soon dislike Justice Roberts as much as I dislike TFG
"authoritarianism we spent much of the 20th century... combatting overseas", just uh, don't ask about what we've been up to in South & Central America and the Caribbean...
i get what theyre saying but the US spent about 4 years fighting fascism overseas and 50 propping it up
Dunno that it took a sledgehammer to it. I think it just said the quiet bit out loud
And everyone left of Trump sticks their head in the sand with no solution. Just moping. The reaction to all this is exactly what they want.
History shows us what happens to absolute monarchs, which our poor cousins over the water may be about to get. 😪