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Just another former tv producer with ADHD. Current couch surfer. Forever book nerd.
Alice Munro? Are you kidding me?
Gonna be a real banger of a Bastille Day this year.
Reposted byAvatar Skiles
“Almost the entire population”
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military last week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ground operation, the latest UN figures show.
Almost entire population in Gaza now displaced amid fresh Israeli offensive | Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military this week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ...
Reminds me of when I went hiking in Griffith Park with this cool chick I wanted to befriend & right around the Hollywood sign she revealed her sincere belief that the ancient Egyptians were aliens…and then I had to hike down a mountain with a loony toon We have failed our education system. Utterly
Living in a boarding house is a wild experience. One week you’ll have an MRI tech as a housemate and talk about the rise of cancer rates and then another week you’ll be meet a woman who wants to know why people can’t just poop out there menstrual fluid
Reposted byAvatar Skiles
"He was a hero to me. The first time I heard Echidna's I almost fell over when he played the big 5/16 lick on the bass! I had no idea that a clumsy bass could do such a thing!" #RIP #TomFowler #music #FrankZappa
Frank Zappa Bassist Tom Fowler Has The musician was 73 years old.
Never doubt your instinctive response to someone upon 1st meeting Met a person yesterday and got bad vibes within 1 min even tho they were nice Within a few hours of meeting, they’d stolen my food and COOKED RICE AND LEFT IT IN A POT UNREFRIGERATED DISCOVERED THE POT INSIDE THE COLD OVEN
Reposted byAvatar Skiles
I love Slavic faerie tales; they’ll be like “there’s this creature that eats your feet if they dangle out of bed at night - also it’s a dead abandoned baby with the face of an old man that screams like a thousand mothers mourning their sons lost to war and it shits black rotting fish”
Can’t wait until the jerks across the street use up their supply of thunder rockets you are grown ass adults stop it
Shout out to my dog—who’s basically the only being to witness what I’m like fully unmasked. I’m a wildly different person when I just let my ADHD free. The dog gets to hear all of the nonsense and singing & puts up with the pacing/stimming when I’m anxious. Which is all the time now. Best boy
Reposted byAvatar Skiles
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Hey what are you up to? Oh just taking my daily vitamin to ward off death
Tonight I flashed back to a film class screening in which one guy thought it was avantgarde to digitally slice up & reassemble a dollar bill This was followed by a project that was a just macro shot of a filmmaker’s butthole Both projected on a 10 ft screen Something something metaphor
Reposted byAvatar Skiles
George Washington was a slave owning English landlord son of a bitch and even he said “i aint no king don’t even try hanging that shit on me”
Me: I’ll just sit in this quiet park while my car is being serviced & try & be zen Guy with a chainsaw: YOU CALLED?
Watching Battlestar Galactica and realized Ellen Tigh is the mean girl from Pretty in Pink & now am convinced they take place in the same universe
Sometimes it’s difficult to say no to an invitation and sometimes you’re invited to a pickle festival to see grateful dead songs covered by a bluegrass band No
New hyperfocus rabbit hole. Had no idea that the dye extraction was lost to time. Imagine garments that stay color-fast for 100s of years.
Some days I think about the Murderbot Diaries and wish I was a murderbot watching Sanctuary Moon.
In a reading slump. Need something that’s plot forward with a few dashes of litfic word magic.
Been gone for a long time and now not have one follower. Cool. Cool. Welp here we go again.
Had 3 near collisions this morning bc a 70 year old woman wanted to book jlo tickets whilst driving. For J LO. Life is really stupid
Reposted byAvatar Skiles
Matthew Shepard was murdered 25 years ago, and there was news coverage and real outrage. Now 16 year old Nex Benedict was beaten in a bathroom by 3 older girls in a high school hate crime that killed them, and there's fucking crickets in the media. Murdered. In. School.
I want to celebrate this ruling but it seems like it will have zero impact on the cult that follows him. Dude could be in actual prison & they’d still vote for him.
Reposted byAvatar Skiles
For the last few weeks I've been working with Chris Barkley of on a report about censorship in the 2023 Hugo Awards. Leaked emails and files indicate authors and works deemed “not eligible” for the awards were removed due to political considerations. 1/3
New tactic for dealing with super conservative family when they’re vomiting heinous talking pts from their “news” “Ah yes, that reminds me of the Booker winning novel..” Eyes glaze over instantly. I win.
Bluesky thinks I want cat content. I’m insulted on behalf of my dog.
Told a fam member that I was opposed to the excessive use of private jets and now they’ve become a swiftie to “own” me or something.