Don Curren 🇺🇦

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Don Curren 🇺🇦

writer/blogger, ex WSJ, DJ, etc. economics/markets, music, philosophy, books, technology, photos, etc. (ie hopelessly eclectic) Toronto. Blog at:
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
It is naive to think that Reform's support will dwindle if Labour improves public services and the economy. Grievance-merchants aren't interested in actual reality and facts. The only way to deal with racists is to *shut them down*, not to appeal to their sense of reason. They haven't gone one.
I’m somewhat tired of America.
"The well-funded Conservative Party of Canada spent more than $8.5 million on advertising last year, substantially exceeding what its political rivals dropped to get their message out. The Liberals spent just a fraction of that at around $381,000, while the NDP spent only about $42,000." 👀
Well-funded Conservatives paid $8.5M on advertising in 2023, trouncing other The well-funded Conservative Party of Canada spent more than $8.5 million on advertising last year, substantially exceeding what its political rivals dropped to get their message out.
When I was in Grade 3 I remember writing out the lyrics to Tiffany’s “I Think We’re Alone Now” by stopping and rewinding the cassette tape many times. Also born in a rural town in Canada, so pre-internet that makes for a good 3-5 yrs behind pop culture everywhere else.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy. When I was in high school, Pink Floyd were still kind of cool.
Over a decade ago I read a blog by a political scientist arguing that as the climate crisis deepened and the impacts became more visible and more harmful, it would drive more authoritarian regimes. And here we are.
This creep from the Heritage Foundation is making violent threats against Americans he disagrees with politically. Who, exactly, is in charge of prosecuting such terroristic threats & voter intimidation? He’s no different than a Proud Boy, probably is one.
"Bloodless if the left allows it to be" A week ago, I started my post to you with some comments made by Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation and architect of Project 2025, when he learned Democrats were making plans to take on...
Must be the heat: I scanned my Optimum card instead of my library card at the automated book checkout at the #TorontoPublicLibrary’s Main Street branch.
Torontonians: this is the most exciting and very Independence Day News 🗞️: The AGO is showing the ginormous Mark Rothko again!
✨Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his only punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.✨ Oscar Wilde Schönen Abend Traumgefährten. 🌙🫶🏻 Have a nice evening, dream companions.🌙🫶🏻
I'm not going to spread that Economist cover with the Presidential seal on a walker because I don't spread stomach-churning ableist trash, but what a shocking collapse of editorial standards. The editor who commissioned that image should be forced to resign in shame.
They are pretty moving (having participated myself as an immigrant ) And every one of them were tested on the question “is anyone above the rule of law in America”
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy. When I was in high school, Pink Floyd were still kind of cool.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: When I was born, Pink Floyd were at number 1.
Shots fired from Germany.
Long Live Larry!
Reminder that this is the one day a year Downing Street is under sensible authority.
I genuinely could not put this book down. Juggernaut plot with good character-building, and I was really struck by how seamlessly integrated horror elements into (very dark) noir.
Cheeky of the Brits to have an election on the very same day America invented freedom.
Sorry, it was actually Bloorcourt Village …
A rearguard action from a retreating East End in the #Toronto #WaroftheRoses; from a large #rosebush on the south side of the rail lines near Danforth and Main. So demoralized by’s #roses from Dovercourt Village yesterday, I couldn’t manage a decent shot of the entire bush
A rearguard action from a retreating East End in the #Toronto #WaroftheRoses; from a large #rosebush on the south side of the rail lines near Danforth and Main. So demoralized by’s #roses from Dovercourt Village yesterday, I couldn’t manage a decent shot of the entire bush
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
I don't know if it's a natural consequence of aging or what, but I think I'm finally really getting #OrnetteColeman's #harmolodic #music #jazz
Magpies.. mapgpies even on the water..📸🪶🌱 #birds #photography #nature